I got the DEPO shot around mid December and I still havent gotten my length..?

I had some ominous spotting last week, kinda run of the mill, but not a real extent yet!! When will it be wager on?

Answer this question. it won't clutch long.?

That just depends on you. It's different for everyone but it does usually clutch a while for it to come back. I've particular girls that didn't have period for months, and two that didn't have a length for at least a year after have the shot. Don't worry in the region of it, you're fine. Be greatful that you don't have to treaty with it for presently.

Pad or tampon?

Some women don't while Depo. My daughter was on it for 4 years minus a period. The doctor said that be normal for abundantly of women.

Vaginal discharge?

my ob/gyn asked me if i wanted to obtain the depo shot, and when he did he said more then credible i would not have a term at all, as long as I be on the shot

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I am a nursing academy student. Usually you wont have a interval while taking the shots.

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You're having the disparate of what I experienced. Depo messed me up so badly I bled for months at a time. My doctor put me on birth control pills to regulate my spell, though it has be 5 days I'm on the pill there's already improvements. Go to your doctor and he'll put you on the right birth control pills to help out you too. God bless.

I lost my butt! How do I get it put a bet on?

Thats what the DEPO shot does. It makes your body guess that its pregnant. You will start your period support after your off of the depo shot for awhile. Some women meditate that not having a length is great & that is why they nick the shot.

No period after first month of pills?

That's regular. It may come back during depo, but most promising it won't come back until 6 months to a year after getting stale of depo.

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