How come i havent had my period in 4-5 months??

I am 100% sure i am not pregnant because i have not have sex before.
But isn't this abnormal?
I told my mom, she said she's going to take me to the doctor subsequent week but i can wait that long.

Any doctors on here to communicate me why?
My last term was Nov 14, 2006
It is very soon March 24, 2007.
Im 15 years old

Personal, uhmn down there sound out?

Sometimes when a girl is young,her period are irregular.Trust me my daughter also had her length in November 2006 and we be getting worried,but she started her period final night.Worrying around it will only make happen stress,and stress will make your period irregular.If you haven't had sex before(even have a boys penis any where in the neighbourhood your vaginal region),you have nil to fear at this point.Even if a boy rubs up against your vagina while you are in the buff,you can get pregnant.This happen because there is a occupancy called pre-ejaculation where on earth the boy secrets a small amount of semen up to that time ,when he is getting aroused.Most of the time he doesn't even know it is happening.

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Are you stressed out or enjoy an eating dis-order? Just be completey honest beside your doc. Good Luck

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ok im no doctor ,but you could have some sort of cyst on your ovarie.i.e. causeing you not to realse an egg.i have one but im pregnet so i dont know if i would start my spell or mom had one and go 3 months stright with no could just be your body or something too.shift to doctor would be the best,ok bye

I have my term in the middle of my birthcontroll?

Have you begin a new sport or started working out or enjoy you recently lost solidity or been lower than alot of stress? Any one of these things could be to blame. Also how long have you have you period? If you hold had it below two years it tends to be irregular sometimes.

Anyone hold had ovarian cysts?

Have you be starving yourself to lose cargo? My daughter did this and her period stopped also. She be becoming anorexic. We took her for medical help and when started consumption again her period also come back. She is also 15.

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I am 15 years old too but that's never start to me.. u should wait until u move about to the doctor next week they know wat to do. hope it is zilch wrong..

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All i know is that you need a docter right away or you might be pregantr

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Periods are exceptionally irregular in your teens. Some can stir a while and others can have two within a month. It's just your hormones level out. I'm glad you are seeing the doctor. Stay clear of the pill though (they are used for menstrual problems).

Lactating, but not pregnanthelp?

My friend did not have hers for 5 months, and after she got make available it some time.

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its more than predictable hormonal. you need to receive your blood serum estrogen/FSH(follicle stimulating hormone)/LSH(lutenizing hormone) checked out. you could be not producing enough of these hormones, which they impart you some hormones for, or you could just be fine. sometimes peoples bodies do unexpected things for no reason. bottom string, i doubt its anything crucial, your probably not dying. take a chill pill and relax till your appt. worrying wont cause it better.

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u sound youthful so it just be because of that or other medical proplems as long as u r contained by no pain i be aware of the doctor will be able to get the impression at ease again appropriate luck

I'm concerned about the condition of my liver, would any problem be detected during hospital stay for labor?

U better visit a Doctor ASAP.

When is my ovulation time?

Sometimes your just not regular for your first few years, you could be totally fine. and lately not 100% regular

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I am not a doctor but I am a medical assistant ,and work at a gynecology department (doctors office for women's problems) and lots of girls can enjoy this problem with their period being irregular or even stopping altogether. Alot of times it is a hormone problem. Hormones are what clear your body have a interval, so when they suddenly stop then usually it is something hormonal explicitly causing this. You should definately see a gynecologist. Most times it is something that can be fixed. Alot of times you blood test might be done to first figure out where on earth things are off, afterwards you might be given some hormone medications to go and get your periods going again. Sometimes they might put a girl on birth control pills to win her periods started or regulated. Each human being is different. But it doesn't mean that something is horribly wrong any just because your period have stopped, so don't start to over-worry any. I can not diagnose you and neither can anyone else on here, so you should definately see your doctor but just know that it is a impressively common issue and can be fixed! :) Hope this help!

I'm havin serious women problems?

How long have you be having period? If you have not be having them that long (only a year or two) your cycle might of late be irregular still.

Does anyone know anything about your period getting lighter as you age?

your hormones could be acting up go to the doctor to be sure


are you a big sports guru? It have been in good health documented that female athletes enjoy become so "busy" in their sport that it fools the body into believing it does not necessitate to have a time of year. You may also have a hormone inequality that needs to be corrected. not everyone is one and the same and nobody develops the same tread. if this is the case your doctor may put you on birth control purely for the hormonal benefit so don't be offended. not have more info on when you started getting your period, diet change, how regular you are and so on and so on it is hard to answer your interview with a big amt of accuracy. I know you said you hold not had sex and i believe you but I want to quit you with the thought that infiltration is not required for pregnancy, the little swimmers just inevitability access during foreplay. hope this helps.

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