Is 105 at 5'7" ample?

Im 17, and dont have a interval... sorry, just more details on a long-gone question, and Im 105, something like.
if not, how much do i enjoy to gain?

Can McDonald's food make me bloated back my period?

Im 21 5'7 and 105. I never have a period any. I was diagosed beside Turner syndrome when I was 18. My mom get real concern when I didn't capture my period.Im not trying to upset you because your still kinda young. Maybe you should be in motion to a doctor and get checked out.

How long is "untreated" when referencing Chlamydia?

put on 15'll look handsome and you'll be healthier....drink good food...not a short time ago entail more calories...whole grain, protein, dairy

What is menopause?

You're underweight....which is why you're not getting your period. At 5'7", you should be something close to 135.

TTc and excercise>?

Well, a girl can get her extent when she's 8, but some girls have gotten it subsequently that 17. Just keep waiting, that's adjectives.

How long does a person who have started using birth control pill must wait previously having intercourse?

im 110 and 5' probably obligation to be like 120.thats still underweight for 5'7 though.why dont you turn to google and search bmi type age,masculinity,weight,and point and it tells you if youre average underweight or overweight(which you manifestly arent)

If its ure frist time does it hurt?

What the hell are you asking people for, obviously its not enough, your just over 100 for crying out loud, guzzle some food damn it.

Calling all woman?

go talk next to your doctor

When your Cramping what does this mean?

you are completely underweight. you should weigh between 122-149! amenhorrea, absense of your period, mode you are very underweight and at hand is not enough hefty for your body to maintain metabolism and middle-of-the-road functions like it should. start eat hun!

Can I have a breast tightening done even if I have fibrosystic (fibroids) breast?

People that starve or are intensely athletic to the point of obsession don't grasp their periods. Think God would allow a adjectives woman to become pregnant? Usually he tries not to. You are tall and that routine yu are very tough. Is this on purpose, getting ample protein, calcium, iron? Think about it. Only you can answer that examine, not us.

Bad Pain?

WOW, your not even on the Seriously a girl you height should be at a shipment of 120 to 130 lbs. Being under shipment severely affects you menstrual cycles. I would suggest you gain the weight properly and do not basically eat second-hand goods. Follow a healthy diet and conceivably if you do not work out you may try and start to, so you can build a nice shape with muscle gain to. Now I am not saw to pump iron everyday but you can build muscle which is heavier than fat to bring in you body weight proportional to your point. Good Luck........................

How Many Time Do You Have Sex?

It depends on whether you've always be about that slim and feel you are drinking healthily or not. I'm 5'8" and have weigh that little in recent olden, but I've always be skinny naturally. Still, I feel too skinny at that weight and immediately am about 115. If you aren't getting your length that is an indication that your target cargo should be higher.

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