I'm severely vastly curious...?

Its kind of weird asking, but im vastly curious. I masturbate and yes, i've stuck something "up there"
Will i still bleed and feel pain the first time i own sex ?

Breast size and immensity gain during pregnancy?

I'm sure.
A lot of girls have, including me. Totally normal.
Usually when there's a guy using his penis instead of you using a toy or other raise objections its bigger.
And more forceful. It'll most likely still be painful.

Not that it matter. Unless the stretching is excessive (Child birth) your vagina shrinks back to its normal size. It doesn't stay stretched. You only just get used to the feeling.

As for bleeding, not a soul knows. The hymen can break any time. With tampons, horse-back riding, or any other sports. It's very fragile. So it's possible you won't bleed.

Can you walk contained by a hot tub when you enjoy your time?

It depends on if you rupture your hymen AKA cherry.

When you "stuck something" up within did it hurt? Chances are you broke your hymen.

If you broke it chances are you won't feel any "first time" stomach-ache nor bleed.

On your wedding night you may want to pretend you get pain when he enters you if you recitation him you are a virgin if that is important to you.

Let me know more of the details, Thanks.

BTW, its ok and even pious that you masturbate and even "stuck something" up in you. Masturbation is a natural approach of releasing tension etc.
I hope this helps.

I am idea so tired out adjectives the time and I dont realize what is wrong next to me can anyone serve?

It really adjectives depends on what you have masturbated with, if you own broken your hymn, no, you are not coincided a virgin any more, if it was just something small, I conjecture you may be OK, either way, I expect it is OK to explore your own body, but if you are worried about loseing your virginity so early, I'd sujest that you don't put any objects inside you anymore.

Why girls have bigger hips than men?

Depending on what you've stuck up at hand. I would guess smaller objects so, yes you should still bleed and maybe feel some twinge. And, vice versa.

Abdominal aching?

Yes. Actually, anything that penetrates the vagina may break the hymen.

I have an abortion.?

Probably not, depending on size. Two fingers stretches the tissue adequately.

While have sex, the condom slipped stale. i didn't be aware of anything going through my vagina though.?

You shouldn't bleed but it may still hurt.

Is it better to look or fantasize when masturbating?

when ur hymen tears it hurts and bleeds.

Will i start my time of year soon? HeLp mE! =[?

Just wait another 10 years and you'll find out.

Can you receive pregnant while on your spell.?

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When can I lug a pregnancy theory test within velocity ….. plz minister to?
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  • WHAT could THis BE??
  • Is it commonplace that I hold vaginal bleeding??

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