For womens eyes solitary... dont read if you cant read gross things?

ive had a remarkably gooey clearish beigeish, but mostly clearish and thick vaginal discharge and i'm itchy down there

any thought why?

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Is this a different symptom for you? Do you have any other symptoms, is at hand any irritation? Are you using a new soap? Women do shed cell from the vaginal lining, usually it shouldn't itch, Yeast tend to look more whitish. I would have a check-up next to your doc.

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maybe it's gonorrhea

I just started my term today and.?

simply it could be a yeast infection. Is there an odor? Can't believe I lately asked that but that is a unbelievably important diagnostic tool. It could be several several infections. Are u sex. involved? I think it would be best to shift to the dr. Do NOT douche unless the Dr. tells you to . Go to a clinic and take tested okay Sweetie!

I have piled shipment on in the final few months?

could be a yeast infection, dont worry im a woman this is my husbands pet name. also could just be vaginal discharge, if you've have an orgasm. but itchy makes me ponder yeast infection. also check out std symptoms ive never had any so i dont know just about those.

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usually as long as it is clear there is no infection. the other color is a bit concerning, shift see a doctor to have a pap done and for the time human being try a yeast infection over the counter remedy. you could be starting to get a yeast infection. But particularly make that appointment to cause sure there is nil else going on down there especially if you are sexually live.

!Women Onliii Please!?

During a woman's menstrual cycle there're days (about a week back your period comes) where on earth a woman may have thicker discharge. It's usually creamy and white.

As long as your discharge doesn't smell fishy, you're fine. But if it does smell a bit and it feel itchy, and when you spread your labia majora and you see it looks red and irrated, you might have vaginal thrush.

In that shield, get Caneston thrush treatment cream or pessary. It'll clear in 1 week or 2 maiximum. If it continues, see your doc

What's happening?? Please asker as soon as possible.?

don't know, jump see a doctor.

I need some girl facilitate?

it sounds like a yeast infection but if you are sexually influential and don't use protection it could also be an STD. You should see a doctor.

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U could possibly hold a vaginal infection. See ur gyne or doctor, he/she will do a vaginal culture to determine the type of infection and treat it accordingly. Nothing alarming, since most women are plagued near some type of discharge at one time or another. Since urs causes itching, not majority, u need to consult ur doctor. A yeast infection does not produce the color discharge u describe, so don`t self medicate beside OTC products.

Girls only!!!Please minister to!!?

sounds the an yeast infection go to your doctor effect you might just be starting it. Just stir and the dr will give u something to clear it up and something for the itchy

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Definitely sounds approaching a Yeast Infection. You'll need to travel to the doctor to get treatment and also to sort sure it isn't an STD.

Is this serious? (please answer)?

Sounds like a yeast infection to me. Does it hold a strong odor to it? I would advise you to step to the doctor.

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Probably just a yeast infection. You can buy across the counter suppositories and see if it clears up (be sure and wear a wipe during this time).

You may also want to modify your diet and eat really little vinegar, yeast and sugar for several days so it will clear up faster ~ those all nurture the bacteria. Also, filch 8 to 10 Garlic Capsules a day for several days and drink lots of marine. If it doesn't clear up, go to the doctor. You may involve something stronger.

Good luck ~ yours is a mild case in a minute, just maintain it under control whenever it hits so it won't carry a hold on you.

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ok.. this is gross but does the discharge have any smell? approaching uncooked bread.. if it does than its patently a yeast infection. Itchyness and thick discharge are symptoms of a yeast infection you can stir to your local drug store at get monistat, it will clear it up swift. If you are having unprotected sex beside your partner make sure you apply the cream to his penis too, if you have sex with him during your yeast infection, he could also enjoy it, with no symptoms(lucky them) and can hold transferring it back to you. Don't give attention to its anything to worry almost. If monistat doesn't clear it up make an appointment beside your GYN asap. goodluck. oh and stay away from panties that arent cotton, like those silky job, or thongs they dont allow your stuff to breathe... tight pants are also a no no.

Breast Augmentation?

yeast infection

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Yeast infection.

Just get it checked out. You'll be ok.

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