Girls only!!!Please give support to!!?

if i finshed my period on the 11 when is my subsequent period ???

Someone please abet me through this misery..please.?

On 9 of the next month if your cycle runs for 28 days!

Is mastubating in good health or unhealthy or does it not effect ur condition at all?

if it is your first you will be rather off but usually it happen the same sunshine every month.

Could I Be Pregnant?

it depends on if you have regular period. I never periods sometimes be once in 4 months, sometimes 2 within one just depends.....

Menstrual cycle press?

usually withing 21 to 30 days later. however if this is your 1st spell it could take a few months for your system to draw from regulated. welcome to womanhood. believe it or not it really is wonderful to be a woman (most of the time)

End of birth control pills no time of year?

Hun - If you are stressed, sick it is all going to affect when you are going to hold it Normally it is 21-28 days. Mine I never EVER no when it is suppose to be I can guess and it would be around there but it never starts when it is suppose to. I asked the doctor why and he told me my on a daily basis activities. Stress, what you get through and drink ect... If you want to know to date I would considering taking Birth Control. It does help regulate your time of year also calm them darn mood swings. even occasion of getting pregnant! I would take them, but I HATE taking pills.

I have a leep procedure done on my cervix on jan 31,07 becasue i had precancerous cell on it ?

You need to start counting matching day you start your term, not at the end of it. A typical menstrual cycle is 28 days long.So 28 days from the first day of your ultimate period will be the begining of your subsequent one.
NOT all women enjoy a 28 day cycle, you obligation to chart yours on a calander for a few months to find your cycle.

We are leaving for time off tonight and im about to?

28 days then.

I'm Having A Laparoscopy Done This Week Does Anyone Have Any Advice On It?

some time within the subsequent 3 or 4 weeks.
if that was your first term then you never know!
when you first start out it's totally irregular.
And I stingy TOTALLY irregular. Like you might not have it for months, and afterwards have it for a light of day, and then not hold it for a few weeks, and then hold it for 10 days, etc... until it regulates out.
don't worry. you'll eventually know.

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