Birth Control pill side effects?

I have hear that there are positive birth control pills out there that will increase breast that true?..merely serious answers please.. If any one knows anything (or enjoy experience with it) and have facts to back it up could you put in the picture me what kind of pill or which hormone cause daughter started a new pill and I am concerned..

Adnormally immense flow?

ck out your meds on
for info on pills go to dig out birth control.

Is it possible?

it's oestrogen hormones in the pill that can increase breast size, but it now and then never happens.

Extended extendedfrom why are the vein on my chest so noticable?

This happened to me when I be on the patch and also on the current pill I'm taking called loestrin 24. Its not doomed to failure. Just sometimes they are a little sore and HUGE.

Am I still ovulating even if I didn't take my period for 3 months?

I be put on the pill at age 12 for irregular cycles and stayed on it until I was married at age 31. Guess who can't enjoy children now because my body won't manufacture those same hormones on it's own. I NEVER knew the pill would enjoy THAT kind of side effect.

I relate you not to scare you...but please look out. If you want your daughter on the pill for health reason, it will only cover up the REAL issue. While contained by the minority, there are perfect doc out there who will determine what the problem is and fix it! If it's to enjoy sex, that's between you and her.

Good luck! :)

Gyn doctor help?

I am a yound girl I am 17 years hoary, I am on the pill for like 6 months presently and my breast are the same size. I dont get the impression any different on the pill. I am on yasmin. and I like this pill produce I have tremendously few cramps or none at all during my time of the month and it is massively short and light...I hope this help..

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these be the side effects i knew

SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects of the oral contraceptives include nausea, headache,
breast discomfort,
weight gain,.........they r steroidal hormones that backing in cargo gain
irregular bleeding, and mood changes.
These side effects commonly subside after a few months' use. Scanty periods, or breakthrough bleeding may occur
, but are repeatedly temporary, and neither side effect is worrisome. Women near a history of migraines may notice an increase in migraine frequency
. On the other appendage, women whose migraines are triggered by fluctuations in their own hormone levels may consideration improvement contained by migraines with oral contraceptive use,
because of the more smooth and uniform hormone level during oral contraceptive use.
Uncommonly, OCs may contribute to increased blood pressure, blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.
Women who smoke, especially those over 35, and women with faultless medical conditions, such as a history of blood clots or breast or endometrial cancer, may be advised against taking OCs, as these conditions can increase the adverse risks of OCs.

Is it better for a woman next to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome to have children ahead of time?

Ive heard of that but it is outstandingly rare anything you do, DO NOT LET HER ON THE DEPO-shot!!

How can women be expected to be drafted into the war if they get hold of periods?

Most birth control will estrogen cause breasts to increase slightly. So, almost all combined pills (and the patch/ ring) will result in breast enlargement

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