Been on accutane for almost 2 weeks!?

And i'm suppose to have my time of year by now! but i haven't started on the other hand! really worried! Can accutane be stopping my period? and i'm NOT pregnant!!

Anyone put on Metformin to regulate time or for PCOS?

For my second and third month of accutane I had no time, t's just the meds, don't verbs.

And yeah, I used to be depressed because of my acne, after a month on accutane it honestly changed my whole self-image (cheesy but true :D).

Good luck, hope you finish the treatment near glowing clear skin!

Im 15 years frail and i dont have any valid bras. HELPPPP!!?

any new meds can mess beside your cycle. dont worry.

Is it rugged to get pragnant after a C-section?

any meds can mess near a cycle. call your doctor, or read the instructions pamphlet that come with the Rx.

Why do some women quality comfortable with mannish gynecologists?

stop taking accutane it makes you depressed and suicidal, sorry thats past its sell-by date subject

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