Vaginal boils popped and its freshly a red bump presently sore?

is it going to go away soon




Answers:    are they on the outside or the inside? and yes ppl you can get boils short it bein an std, it could be ingrown hairs that got really infected, or staph, or a moment ago a boil... it is warm and moist down there... the foolproof place for bacteria and what-nots to grow.

if its on the outside (your pubic mound), then try putting neosporin or another antibacterial salve on it, if its all popped and a "hole" you fill that next to the ointment, and cover it. you have to cover it! next to gauze and medical tape or if you dont have that a bandaid, toilet thesis, something! cover it but make sure you keep the dressing verbs, change it often, lik everytime u move about to the bathroom, wash the area in good health with an antibacterial soap, dont wear tight panties or pants. if you dont cover it, it can spread (the pus touching another constituent of the skin... if its staph it will spread) i know they can be painful, but really you just hold to wait it out. they eventually go away. if its on the inside, after try the best you can to keep it clean and covered, later go to a doctor. antibiotics could help kill in cold blood the infection, and if its staph they can give you something to kill that too.

as far as the stomach-ache, take ibuprofen, it has an anti-inflammatory and distress med in it so it will help, save tylenol or sumthing else.

hope this helps!

**and the neosporin/dressing stuff i was conversation about, its what the Dr will tell you to do, so no bs ppl**.
How do you know it's not an STD? Were you tested? Just because it be over four months ago doesn't mean jack. If you were tested, afterwards it could be an infected hair, in which defence pull the hair. If it be just a boil then there's really zilch. All you can really do is wear loose cotton underwear and leave it alone until it goes away - which it should if you take off it alone. If it keeps getting bigger, go to the doctor. I have a boil on my leg, but it was from an infected hair (they said it be from waxing), but they had to lance (cut) it widen and drain the puss out. it was so gross! Did the doctor say they be boils? If not it sounds like herpes. anyway, if it is boils wash next to DILUTED Lysol once or twice a week. Get some CORTISONE CREAM for the pain. change panties every time, wash twice a day,rinse clothes 3 times after wash.Spray toilet seat with Lysol afterwards wipe the toilet seat dry before you use it.Use bleach within your white clothes wash. Use DRY bleach in your feathery and dark clothes wash. Use WHITE toilet serious newspaper only. and make sure your partner cleans and wash his selfAND WEARS A CONDOM. Wipe your self from FRONT TO BACK NEVER ANY OTHER WAY. Wash using IVORY SOAP OR DOVE Good luck..
if you masterbate using objects and stuff, it might be because that object was dirty. your vagina seem to have got an infection, cuz you said that you havent have sex so it cant be an std. i would say clean your vagina nouns with hot water and soap. if they dont walk away, go to a dr. hope this helps :) it doesnt concern how long ago you had sex.

you could have an std that be "vaccant"-or not in action.

you should really see a doctor, I don`t know you should open your eyes and look at the big picture
painkillers?? paracetamol ... get a subscription, also turn see a Doctor hell probably give you a cream or ointment to rub on it. Boils infect in the blink of an eye and can cause some real strength concerns.

If you have a boil, you need to see your doctor today..
May not be an STD - could still be an infection, AIDS, HIV, germs.

Go see a doctor, not post this on Y! answers..
Go to a doctor.

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