Could I be pregnant or not?

The other day I started to spot and after on Monday I started my period again and it's really cloying but I'm suppose to start in 2 weeks and today I started have a sharp pain surrounded by one of my nipples. I don't think I could be pregnant considering its be since March and I've already had a time but I'm just worried something might be wrong. Any facilitate?

Please help me if you are aware?

If you've have an actual period, not merely spotting, since the last time you have sex, you are not pregnant.

Bust Problem?

i don't think that anyone could be pregnant while have period right? anyway, if you're still totally worried, you should just travel visit the doctor, if will be safer for you than asking a grill here right? being in good health is even more important than anything else.

Look at her Breasts!?


Whats puberty??

Period is sometimes a bit random, though still trackable, it's not going to be one equal time every month. Your breasts are probably just growing or something else colloquial. Also, you can't be pregnant unless you sleep with someone, and do other stuff.

Birth control..?

i doubt you're pregnant.

but irregular period aren't something to be laughed at. if you're worried that you're pregnant, i suggest you progress see your doctor, or go to a womans clinic - they will be capable of tell you for spot on if you are or not (more for your own sanity), and five you any advice on contraception, etc.

Why do i experience discomfort when removing my tampon?

My first thought is other: "Did you have sex?" If the answer be YES, then its also a YES that you could possibly be pregnant. Even next to birth control, the possibility is ALWAYS there.

My second thought is other: "Take a home pregnancy test or appointment your doctor and schedule an appointment."

While the forum can hold spacious amounts of knowledge, frankly we're just guessing. Only a trained medical professional performing the proper diagnostics can tell you by some means what is going on.

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