Please assist me if you are aware?

need your help , as ultimate year i have experienced an ectopic pregnancy . i hold read that the maen

cause is chylamdia, and bactrial infictions . but the give somebody the third degree is . is there aother route to get this bactria excluding sex .because i never have have sex with any body but my husband and him too and he is clear . within this prgnancy i had two pregnancy sac in the both tubes one be with embro inside the other be not. After I got rid of the pregnancy by the laparascope .my doctor advise me to make Hysterosalpingogram HSG And it be ok every thing be alright .so my doctor advised me after that and after watching the ta pe of the the laparascope To try pregnancy again but when I have a sneaking suspicion that about my final experience I 'm always scared out of your wits do you have any advise for me.


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those may have be some of the few causes,but not the solely ones, I personally have an ectopic pregnancy, mine was apparently cause by a urinary tract infection,that was almost 10 years ago,trying for a toddler was terrifying at first because i also had undergone 2 start heart surgeries but now i hold a beautiful 4 year feeble daughter and just completed my third begin heart surger, you never know unless you try,have hope and believe that things will be fine. I wish you well-mannered luck.


I've never heard of disease cause that. I could be wrong but I think if it's gonna crop up it just does

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