My husband is at zero count? He get a vasectomy?

But I am scared to try doing it the first time short protection. I am always thinking what if. Please give support to me.

Question for girls?

It's a pretty big deal for men to be in motion through with a vasectomy. It is a highly reliable form of birth control, statistically speaking. I'd say you probably own to trust the numbers and take a leap of expectation or risk having him deem what he did for you and your relationship wasn't worth it.

Have any women had the spanking new "fatty" breast augmentation treatment from Japan?

just think of the money you can go and get in the ruling suit if you get pg.
LOL relax and own fun...your worries are over now.

Help on approaching a request for hysterectomy for a doctor.?

I have mine done in 2003. A zero count resources that there aren't any sperm gone. If you're really that concerned about it, explain it to him. Use protection, and see just about getting another test done.

If near was a MALE birth control pill..?

hey simply keep cool

Ladies underneath 30, how do you feel something like getting older?

I get one of those several years ago, no more kids.

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What if what? There are no sperms within sight. They are not assured to miss under the microscope. If he's have his three counts and there are no sperm present, within never will be again. Vasectomys are quite dependable birth control, once the count is nil. You can what if yourself to death here, but the likelyhood of any of it coming true is pretty low. Lets look at it, the vas be cut and a section be removed from both sides. Then the doctor most likely cauterized the cut ends, probably he even used a stainless steel clip. So, for you to get pregnant, those ends enjoy to find each other, and order to close that gap. Then the deformity tissue left from the electrocautery have to be healed so the vas isn't blocked, and the little suckers can swim through. Of course, if here are clips, those have to own a gap as all right. And enough of them own to make it former all that to significantly pose a jeopardy. I assisted with plenty of vasectomys contained by my time, and I have never see anyone manage adjectives that. I've read about it, but never in actual fact seen it develop. I think if it does, it must be karma, intended to be. But I wouldn't bet on it happening.

What and how do they do a mylogram?

A not anything count is just what you inevitability. If you're frightened, use a condom for the first time, and check what's in it. There will be no more than a drop of non sperm-carrying fluid.
Incidentally, once you've settled down, you'll find that not have anything to clean up is a bonus, and he'll probably be twice as horny as he be before. I am!

What are the signs a guy is desperate for a girl?

grow up. nought is zero

My Chinese 13 year weak adopted daughter be invited to a party and refuse to swim because of her period.?

Continue to use codoms for a while (until you have a feeling better). I used them for 6 months.

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