Getting over sexual treat roughly?

I was molested when I be 5 years old and I am newly now starting to come to expressions with it (I'm 16 now). It is really making it knotty for me to trust people around me and I am getting particularly skittish. I am on Prozac for anxiety and depression but I want to know if there are any types of support groups I could go in.

What wud happen?

i be 5 years older than you be. and i completely understand. it be hard for me to trust anyone too, even myself sometimes. but i get over it. and you will too. i know there are support groups even though i didn't bring together one. search online. it's going to be really rock-hard for a while-i'm not going to lie to you. my direction is this. find a close friend who will always be here for you (and of course you will be at hand for them too) and talk to them. it really help me and i'm sure it will work for you, too. depression and anxiety are normal. if you quality scared that soemthing could start again, there are two things that can comfort. one is to always enjoy a cell phone on you and fully charged every day. near are special condoms out now (called RapeX condoms) that you can wear for 24 hours or if you become self-conscious.

the best thing to do is constantly remind yourself that it wasn't your denounce. it never is. and cheer up. it will get better. it took 2 years for me to acquire over it, but i did and i don't think i would make over it if i had the unsystematic. by the way, if it's any more comfort, i'm 16 too. and writing a book in the region of it. look for the book "the day the sky turned black".

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