Why am i have two periods contained by one month?

i was on birth control for possibly about 3 days but i dont estimate that would cause this...me and my boyfriend do hold unprotected sex is it possible i can be pregnant?

Whats my problem?

taking birth control and stopping after a couple days can trigger the hormones that cause you to own a period

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how long did these periods ultimate and how far apart were they (in language of days or weeks)


Stopping birth control will cause a term. The hormones are readjusting. Yes, you can get pregnant. Don't play beside medications - steal them as directed - and stop having unprotected sex. Good luck

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Whenever you walk of birth control your periods will be crazy for awhile. It's a hormone, it messes up things.

Yes, you can be pregnant. In reality, it takes awhile for the pill to become forceful.

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congrats on have unprotected sex...but i doubt that the pill would make you own 2 periods within one month. being on the pill for 3 days doesn't protect you from pregnancy. run a test, after tell him "you might be a daddy!". stop have unprotected sex. want an STD? carry on, later...go to a doctor.

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No, if you are getting period than you can't be pregnant.

You may have time twice a month..because average cycle period is 28 days...surrounded by some it can be 24 days also. If your period cycle is of 24 days, you can enjoy them twice a month.

Better you keep track of date you start your periods and know your cycle

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If you're have unprotected sex, what you experienced as a "second period" could have be, in reality, implantation bleeding, which would mean that you are pregnant. Implantation bleeding occur in the first two weeks of pregnancy, and happen when the fetus attaches itself to the uterine wall, displacing some of your uterine lining, or endometrium.

If you are not pregnant, remember that birth control is not 100% decisive in any form, and you should still use a condom for the extra protection from pregnancy AND from STDs. I don't thought if you "trust" your boyfriend, but unless you've had him tested, he could still enjoy an STD and not even know it.

When you have unprotected sex in attendance is ALWAYS a chance that you could become pregnant or contract an STD or AIDS. Unprotected sex simply is not worth it. Use a condom. They're cheap.

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