Ladies, what are some innate remedies for menstrual pains?

I have be suffering with severe menstrual pains since I be 11. I have used painkillers to assorted degrees of nouns, but was wondering if anyone could suggest possible crude remedies as the painkillers I take are not great as they can make higher bloodpressure! Thanks for any help ladies :)

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Exercise helpfully involving the abdominal region, or walking

Heat on the abdomen - the outdated standby - try a hot bath or a hot hose bottle

Essential oil of lavender rubbed into crampy areas feel great. Lavender is known for its relaxing soothing effect

Distraction. If your discomfort is mild, trying doing an activity that take a lot of attention, resembling a good movie, playing a sport, etc.

Raspberry fern tea. This is considered to be a good uterine tonic; some women find that drinking it until that time their periods help with cramps. Follow the directions on the box. I haven't tried this one but know some women that have.

Try taking a calcium supplement regularly (I help yourself to even more during my cycle) and eating giant calcium foods - this one worked for me.

Eating lighter and healthier around menstruation -- smaller quantity grease, less starch, more fruits and vegetables.

Ginkgo - try a ginkgo supplement, here is some evidence that this can help - it also make you smarter!

Do you think PMS is freshly an excuse for women to be bit*hy?

Avoid caffeine 1 week prior to your period.
Eat lots of carbs (pasta, white bread) the week previously.
Heating pads.

Do women's internal organs (cervix, etc.) move during the course of a month?

drink marine prior to the start, anything warm, when you are have cramps try focusing on your breathing kinda like yoga and sit up straight, it works for a lil bit. hold yourself busy to not think give or take a few them. i take two advil on the first daytime to get my body to disagree them, but after that i dont take any medication at all the rest of the month. my body freshly naturally get weak right when it first starts but is fine the hours of daylight after.

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I do now that if you lift cinnamon you can trigger your period if you are inside one week of starting, and cinnamon during your period can magnify the symptoms. Taking a low dose of Iron can alleviate some of the twinge

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i own a book that says if you exerise for 30 min five days past your period that should straightforwardness a lot of your discomfort.

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caffine is good while you are on your time of year it relaxes your nevers and thatswhy choclet works well as economically as midol. so i disagree witht he lady above me and i speak caffine is good. but i do agree next to the hot pad that will relax your pelvic muscles and sustain cramping

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it sounds stupid, but bananas fall period discomfort!

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Well, I'm ain't a lady but I hope this would help out...

To relieve mild menstrual cramps:

* Take aspirin or another pain reliever, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen), Motrin (ibuprofen) or Aleve (naproxen). (Note: For best nouns, you must take these medication as soon as bleeding or cramping starts.)
* Place a heating wad or hot water bottle on your lower vertebrae or abdomen. Taking a reheat bath may also provide some nouns.

You should also:

* Rest when needed.
* Avoid foods that contain caffeine.
* Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
* Massage your lower back and belly.

If you exercise regularly often hold less menstrual discomfort. To help prevent cramps, build exercise a part of your weekly routine.

If these steps do not relieve affliction, your doctor can order medication for you, including:

* Ibuprofen (higher dose than is available over-the-counter) or other prescription pain relievers.
* Oral contraceptives. (Women taking birth control pills enjoy less menstrual affliction.)


i read in a strength book that light excercise help or you could put a heating wad on your lower midsection. i usually take tylenol. 8'( hope you have a feeling better.

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