I am too tight; i can't have sex. does anyone know a correct cure for this? [real answers]?

yes, i can wear tampons; the skinny kind and it benign of hurts when i wear them. i have posted question before nearly this. i think i hold vaginismus. people vote just enjoy sex to stretch it out or get fingered but i cant even do that. i know i could spend a great deal of money on sites, but does anybody have this and own overcome it or knows how to.. please relieve!

Is it normal for a 13 year elderly boy to have a touch round thing surrounded by their breasts?

Maybe you should find a guy who's small enough not to hurt you.

When will my extent start?

if there is discomfort whilst inserting a tampon, it may not be just because you are tight, nearby can be other factors, even infections... see your doctor immediately

How to reduce the size or firm my calves?

try some lubricant. and you own to stay calm. if you can bring a tampon in later your ok. Just work with yourself.

I expect i'll get my term on vacation, HELP!?

I would agree that you see a doctor. It may be that you are not all right lubricated or you maybe necessitate to be widened slightly.

What is a virtuous way to boost my labido (sexual arousal)?

Ok, here are several things you can do, before you insert a tampon, or hold sex (or anything to do with that area), you should relax, lug a deep breath and relax your vaginal muscles. If they are tightened when you run to insert, it will be painful. In regard to sex and fingering etc, use lube.

I have endometriosis which is discouraging at the moment, so my ovaries are glued to the walls of my bowel and other abdominal organs, so when I own sex, its painful... but I relax, and I communicate near my partner and we just thieve things slowly...sex isnt a sprint, its a marathon!

If you want more information please email me.

Good luck!

Why do some men feel women don't like sex?

There are alot of over the counter jellies, creams, etc. for this problem. You can also discuss this near your physican if you have already tried these, at hand is a surgical prodcure for this problem.

Stomach hurts after having sex..?

Are you a worried person usually? Sometimes it's this stiffness and not being competent to fully relax that makes you so tight. Try self-exploration, caress yourself and stuff xD and helping your lil friend relax cos well that's what they're supposed to do... relax and tighten/expand on emergency... or something like it.

Does anyone hurt while using an iud?

you're going to stipulation to be eased into it to work those muscles out.
kind sure when you do have sex, you are relaxed, and turned on, so it's a capably lubricated easier fit!


there are just too heaps answers, better and more lube. there's get to be thousands of positions, try some more of them. forget penises, you and your partner can try playing with objects, tongues, and fingers.

or my personal counsel: guys with small penises. what do you enunciate?

Razorburn question?

I am a masculine with a condition which vehicle that penetrative sex is impossible (it's not contagious) , although i always enjoy giving oral to a female more than access anyway. I am finding it very difficult to find a womanly who is open to a relationship in need penetrative sex.
Does anyone know of a contact group for males + females who can't have penetrative sex, but would still close to a fulfilling relationship?
If there isn't one, i'm thinking of setting one up..would anybody be interested? The site would be password-protected, and you wouldn't entail to give contact details to me (apart from an e-mail addy), although i would probably charge lb5/US$10 to put rotten time-wasters (and to pay for the cost of running a site).
Maybe if 10 relations or so say they are interested i will obtain to work setting it up..

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