Doctor thinks I hold Reiters syndrome?

Ok doc told me I most likely enjoy Reiters, heres my husband also have been experiencing some systoms related to mine.As far as I know he doesn't run around on me...But looking at how you carry Rieters has me wondering...Question is I simply sleep with him and him singular me (hopefully) how did I get this?, I enjoy all my meat cooked well.

Girl cross-question?

"In most cases, Reiter's Syndrome is transmitted through sexual contact (venereal). However, occasionally there is an underlying infection of the small bowel (enteric) that may contribute to the beginning of Reiter's Syndrome. All the symptoms of the disease may not appear at once, and they may also disappear and then recur." Quoted from

How commonly should you shave your legs and underarms?

Reiters can be 'any' infection and we all pick up infections from areas we frequent. Just because it states how it seem to be transmitted does not mean every who have Reiters contracted it this way.

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