I never shaved my legs...why do i hold contained by grown hair?

im 12 and i wasnt allowed to shave until i got my spell, i already did but i took time to research what gels, how to do it etc...but long formerly that, i started seeing little bumps that when i scartched became lil hair. Is this a sign to shave it...like presently? Will they go away if i shave them sour?

Answers:    ingrown hairs are only just hairs that did not break through the band of skin so it grew under it. have nothing to do w/ shaving.
As you get hold of older, your body starts to produce more mane on it. It may just be you developing more.
Or conceivably you have a rash/bug bites/something irritating your skin and the curls has other been in that, its just more visible when you itch.

There's no sign to shave your legs since its not something you actually have need of to do for any reason. Women in recent times shave their legs because its appealing.
i dont know what to say No, if you shave bad the bumps and ingrown hairs you risk infection and scarring. Very impossible idea. You could be one of the inopportune people next to foliculitus and it might be worth talking beside a dermatologist.

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