A gay man is curious, how repeatedly do you ladies indulge contained by self-love?

Have there be any surveys on female masturbation? Do you do it as much as us guys? If not, why not?

Answers:    i guess u will obligation to keep wondering noyb
They do they freshly lie in the region of it!! Maybe not as much as most guys.. we are too busy! And we need to quality happy and loved. But yeah.. conceivably 5-6 times/week.
Whenever I was single I would masturbate something like once or twice a week. If it was a really stressful week, later more often. No more than once every two days or so. My girlfriends claim they don't do it. I surmise they lie. None of yer bidness buddy.
Yea umm i probably do it similar to once/twice a week. a gay prev
Idk about anybody else..

but I do.
ummm twice a week for me.or day by day if my head hurts i do it everyday
every year ..ha ha! i think most ladies tell stories a bit!! we tend to keep it more discreet and private! as next to everything frequency depends on many things, time, tiredness, sex enthusiasm, health, stress bla bla bla! I usually indulge more repeatedly than other half!
There may be surveys but what do they ever update us!
Hope your curiosity isn't causing you too much stress! - i wonder why you are so curious in the order of us - being a gay man!

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