Please Females Only?

For the past week my vagina have been notion very abnormal for lack of a better word. I thought it be just hurting but somehow I realize that it has be itching extremely bad! There's also a unusual odor accompanied next to the itching, it doesn't smell fishy, just unusual. Around the vaginal slit is extremely sore (like it's cut or torn). I last have sex around the same time this started (I don't know if that helps), very well the pain around the passage and I have be getting something like a extent for about times past month now, up to and including today.

I am going to my doctor for a emergency consultation in the morning but I would still similar to and appreciate any knowledge anyone have to offer! Thanks, a concerned student.

Is it harmful to have to copious orgasms?

Based on the symptoms you have, especially next to the odor it sounds like you could own an infection called bacterial vaginosis.

The spasm around the vaginal opening could enjoy something to do with a itchy condition called vulvodynia.

To revise more about it please check out this site:

How imagined is it that a woman would be able to take pregnant after having her tubes tied?

Probably a yeast infection.

Is within anyway to skip a period if your on birth control pills?

Maybe you enjoy an infection? Who knows? Good youre going to the doctor so you can find out but I seriously wouldn't know what it is. I mull over you will get better answers from the doctor =) suitable luck!

How do I get her to approaching me?

Up until the bleeding for a month, it sounded like a yeast infection. It's possible you've picked up an STD. Going to your doctor is the right choice. Good Luck.

What should I do presently?

That sounds like a yeast infection/bacterial infection.
Don't verbs.

Your doctor will probably give you cream and pills for a week to 10 days. You will perceive better immediately.

Have you ever have an orgasm doing stomach exercises?

I agree, this sounds like a yeast infection. They own an OTC test for yeast infection very soon. I see the commercial all the time immediately. You should be able to win it at any drugstore. Hope everything turns out fine.

I'm on the birth control patch and tomorrow i got to help yourself to it off for the week?

It could be masses things but in my case i didn't own an odor but my vagina was sore & itching & it hurt when i go to the toilet. This also started after i had sex and when the doctor examined me he found a small cut in the neighbourhood the entrance of my vagina which he prescribed a vaginal cream for & it cleared up in no time!
Good Luck~~~

Vaginal dryness?

Sound like your run of the mill Yeast Infection. Your MD will bequeath you something for the pain and itch as very well as a medication to clear it up.

I have piled substance on in the final few months?

It's a yeast infection girl!

No worries - we all achieve them!

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