Brown bleeding after...?

a D&C,laparoscopy and removal of a vaginal legion(not sure what it was all the same, waiting for pathology results to come back)?It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since my surgeries and I've been bleeding brown since the light of day after.I know bleeding is normal,esp. after adjectives the procedures I had done,but why would it be brown for so long?And near's been thoughtful of an odor.Not foul,but it has a stronger than typical scent.Doesn't really smell like a moment ago "old blood" any.No green,itching,or any sign of infection so I'm not sure if it's just because I've be having discharge for so long?It is possible to own THAT much old blood?Every once surrounded by a while I will see pink/red when I wipe but I'm sure that's normal.My body readjusted pretty ably in broad after what it went through,singular bled 1 1/2 days and some severe cramps.I haven't had any sexual entertainment. or used any tampons,like ordered,so near's no possible way of STDs or anything similar to that.I'm sure this is probably normal,but can anyone simply reassure me?

I have a gynecological request for information. In the past six months I started have fainting, vomiting, and nausea?

i own had several procedures doe to fibroids, i enjoy had brown blood on a few occasion my doctor told me that it was out-of-date blood.

I have 2 penises what do i do?

Yes, brown bleeding can ending for a time after a procedure as the body is trying to heal from it. The body is trying to rid itself of older blood. As for the odor, yes it is common for blood to smell. The article I found helpful when I enjoy issues with bleeding is when I verbs my vulvar area I use physoderm to relief control some of the odor.

It can take in the region of 6 weeks for the discharge to clear up, and some pinkish color to the blood after procedures like this is adjectives. When I had a hysteroscopy and D&C within 1999 I was warn that the discharge would be pink for a bit and then start to clear up.

I would recommend going ahead and departing a message for the dr today (I'm on the East Coast so it's early Thurs a.m. for me) to label them aware of the situation although the post-op is next week.

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