What do you muse you enjoy when your umm..vagina is burning periodically and you own to pee frequently?

its not a tract infection b/c i just get treated for one and i dont think they can come final that fast and also its a different nature of burning sensation. PLZ HELP ME!

Answers:    Possibly a mild urinary tract infection as well as a yeast infection. When you have the infection, were you given antibiotics? Did you drink profusely of acidic fruit liquid like cranberry or pineapple liquid? If so, these things can change your body's pH, and antibiotics can increase yeast production, which can both produce yeast infections. It's not terribly singular to get a yeast infection from treating a UTI. Sucks, doesn't it?

Other symptoms of a yeast infection include itchiness contained by your vagina as well as within the vulvar area, discolored vaginal discharge (especially if gray, sickly or greenish in color), chunky or thicker than ordinary vaginal discharge, and also a change contained by the way you smell "down there" (especially a strong yeasty or fishy smell).

If you infer you have a yeast infection, stir to your local pharmacy and get a vaginal antifungal approaching Monistat and use it. If it doesn't clear up from this treatment, you should see your doctor as you may have a bacterial infection or possibly an STD. But, since you be just treated for the UTI, I'd speak it's highly imagined that you have a yeast infection.
It's incredibly possible that it is in certainty a UTI...you need to be see again by the doctor..it sounds like the previous treatment may not hold knocked the infection out...excluding that...sounds like you could possibly enjoy an STD. uhh..?? go see a doctor hunny. newly to be on the safe side:-
i enjoy felt approaching that after ive gotten soap in my "area" You own a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). This can be caused by plentiful things, but is generally not as bad for you as it seems and can be treated efficiently with anitbiotics.
See a doctor as soon as possible. In the meantime, lift painkillers and drink cranberry juice, it ease the pain.
you enjoy STD..enough utter..see a doctor..

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