Irregular period?

My last extent was seven days past due, but it eventually came, and in a minute this period is fourteen days behind time than when it usually should come (so seven more than the last). I haven't had sex, but I've never have such irregular periods since. I had adjectives the pre-symptoms of breaking out, headaches and tiredness but no time of year came? I'm worried something's wrong!

Pregnancy, have this happened to anyone else?

its adjectives to have irregular period...
...think roughly your eating cut-out, this could effect your cycle...if you are trying to diet and are hardly drinking, then you are injurious your body and having irregular period means your body is finding it harder for you to enjoy children...
...not trying to scare you..if you guzzle properly then you enjoy nothing to verbs about.if you be to go to the Docs I'm sure they will a short time ago say you are fine, because you enjoy had singular 2 periods which come late..but still progress there if you are worried

Since getting married I cry at the drop of a helmet.?

Go to your doctor.

What is an orgasm. I think I've have one but what exactly is it? Im 21.?

It will pump in another 4 days.

How much is too much?

sometimes it's conventional to have an irregular term once and a while. Go talk to a doctor but I doubt nearby is anything wrong.

Belly-button hair?

if you are over 35 afterwards you are probably pre menopausal and just getting prepared for the change, check it out at the doctors

Could this be a sign of..?

i don't estimate anything's wrong, it happens sometimes to me and i'm still a virgin. some months it doesnt even come and 1 time it come 2 times in one month, but if it is bothering you, you might want to find it checked out

Hair problems!!?

first of all how old-fashioned r u ? the older we receive the more irregular our periods are next stress and being tired also affects them but if u r worried be in motion see ur doctor

Birth Control Question?

First off, how ancient are you--if you are a teen , irregula rperiod are normal ..if you are surrounded by your 30's and 40's it may be perimenopause.or a cyst or a fibroid...or hormonal from nursing..or is best to go to your doctor and own yourself check out.

I'm a virgin however i love to masturbateis that a problem..?

Well, the other day I have some pizza and watched the winter sport. It was pretty angelic, the Wings kicked the hell out of Anahiem. Those Little Caesers bread are pretty good by the track. You should try them.

Oh yeah, and about your time, I don't know.

When is the best age to start seeing the gynecologist?

Don't worry so much it is commonplace to have irregular period. I would ask your mom about her history near her periods because it is usually a well-mannered indication of what you are doing based on how regular or irregular hers be at your age. Remember don't be embarressed to ask your mom she is a girl and she can help you alot. Depending on how aged you are you should see a Gyno. soon if you are 14 or older it is time that you travel see one to make sure that you are ok and everything is working properly.
xoxo goatgirl

12 years older and period sound out? please answer quickly?


If you are worried turn see your GP, not that mine helped.

I didn't hold a period for over 12 months and the singular thing she kept adage was how lucky I be!! I didn't feel it.

Just have to wait 9 months again for a term and this is a worry to me as I want to try for another toddler.

I went to see my GP 4 months ago and she said that of late because I wasn't having a time of year every month it didn't mean that I wasn't ovulating. I don't ponder I am as I can tell when I ovulate but she fobbed me stale as usual!!

A friend of mine just told me that she have miss her monthly cycle. can u just communicate me drug she can take?

Gaining or losing shipment can cause a term to become late. Same beside stress. If I'm stressed out, it plays complete havoc with my cycle.

But if it really concerns you, consequently definitely stir see a doctor. They can do a check up and make sure everything is in working instruct.

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