12 years old and time of year question? please answer briskly?

ok heres the deal. i thought i wasnt getting vaginal discharge but i only just figured out that that gooey stuff is vaginal discharge. ive have it for a really long time i guess. heres the rest
1. pubic hair: as long as i can remember
2. armpit down: little tiny bit. barely
3. mood swings: like crazy these final couple weeks
so do you think i could be getting my extent soon? i know lots of people will speak "trust me you dont want to get it" but i really do up to that time school starts again. please i really requirement your help express. oh yeah and also, do you think my mood swings could be PMS?

What happen when you go to the gynecologist for the first time?

Yep, I conjecture you could get your length soon and what you're experiencing may be PMS. I got mine when I be your age. I was horribly sick the daytime before it happen though, tons of vomitting and such. I'm sure that doesn't normally transpire to most people though. Oh, and roughly the tampons, I really wouldn't try using those for quite a while. It can really hurt when you first try to put one contained by to you.

Bleeding but not a period?

yes it's fairly possible you have pms and are roughly to get your spell.

How do I stop my period from coming while I'm on leave?

The same thing is arranged to me! I don't really have any counsel or anything, I'm 12 too, so just relax and when it happen, it happens.

Has anyone ever come on within period three weeks precipitate!?. If yes what dose this mean?..?

Yeah. Sweety you are fine. purely wear a panty liner and keep a tampon or a wad with you at adjectives times. just contained by case you start.

I own'nt had my term in almost 3 months and immediately i have be spotting for 5 days and im not pregnant ?

im 14 and i got mine in resembling may.
you know when you get it resembling the day earlier you get HELLA brown discharge and if you enjoy school the subsequent day put a wipe on. and bam.

Abnormal Papsmear?

Hello there. Yes to be exact possible that you get your extent soon. My advise to you is use pad and not tampons. The possibility of getting infected with tampons is giant. Talk to your mom or any adult woman that you are closed next to. You will grow to a nice lady. Don't verbs.

Please help, orgasim within sleep!?

Always/Kotex/Stayfree has a full file of pads/pantiliners.

Isn't there a pill to comfort you stop smoking?

You might. there is no means of access to tell for sure. Some girls catch discharge for over a year before they procure their periods. Your mood swings could be PMS. Girls can carry their first period anywhere from age 10-16+. You'll bring it when your body is ready.

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