Girls lone please... thank you guys...?

girls? how many days is a common menstration for a teenager... im 15 and i usually draw from like 3-10 days of menstration. is that everyday? how many days is okay? thank you...

Women cross-examine?

Up to 7 days is the norm- anything 10 or more days needs to be evaluated by a doctor to determine the wreak. However, if it's only be recently that you started have periods, it can lug up to a year for cycles to become regular. During this time period abnormality are common, and this is everyday.

Can u be pregnet if u have hurricane lantern periods and closing 3 days?

3-10 days is a big range
usually its 4-6 days

How come my period isnt here nonetheless?

im a teenager and mine is 3-5 days

I put a tampon in for my first time it kinda hurt is that average?

3-10? that's a big gap, but since you are infantile still, i guess it ok. usually 4-7 days is normal.

But why do girls perceive like they stipulation sex all the time!?

5 days is average

So I own a yeast infection?

5-7 days. if it lasts too long, turn see ur doc for the pill. It will regulate you. at 15 your cycle isn't grown yet so to speak.

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Well... for every girl it could change some have it for shorter days and some own it longer, if you want it to shorten eat smaller quantity cold stuff like rime cream and dont swim cause that will in recent times lengthen it longer.

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I last just 5 days

but many family last 7 days

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3-7 is mine but everyone is different. Talk to you mom or turn to the docs just to check but i am sure everything is fine

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wheres you mother?

LadiesIf youre shaved, what made you do that the first time and hoe did it make you perceive afterwards?

you are right on 3 to 10 days! I was one of the lucky ones and mine simply lasted 3 days every once within a while 4 or 5 days but not very regularly

Is this normal?

no i.e. not normal for you should narrate your mom and let her clutch you to the doctor your menstration should come for 5 days that is the commonplace time , and if you are bleeding very havey for 10 days i.e. not good for somthing is wrong so please bear my advice and update your mom so that she can take you the doctor. worthy luck hope that every thing works out for you.

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a run of the mill cycle from one period to the subsequent is usually around 28 days, but it can be from 26 to 34 (mine is 33) it is counted from the first day of your period.
menstruation usually can closing anywhere from 3 to 10 days, it is usually around 5 to 7 for most women but you are not in the phenomenal range, you have need of to remember that at 15 your body is still adjusting and growing so you cycle will not be like peas in a pod every time at this stage. as you get elder it will become more regular and easier to predict

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Menstruation can change greatly from month to month and from woman to woman. If you are consistently having 10 days of bleeding every month, I would suggest going to see your gynecologist. If it isn't consistent, after it's important to know that it's run of the mill to have heavier/longer period some months and lighter/shorter ones other months.


every woman's cycle is different, 10 days is pretty excessive though, and your cycles seem to be irregular, I would tell first to your mother, and maybe your gynecologist. 3-6 I deduce is the norm. but every month should be about matching if you go 3 it should be 3 every month if you dance 6 it should be 6 every month if you go 3 one month 10 the subsequent you definately need to consult about it, that's not everyday

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My mom is a nurse practitioner (a step below a doctor) and she says 3-7 days as do tons other doctors whenever I go within. I'm 15 so they explain how younger teens should experience a lot of flux in the first few years. If you're still worried going on for it, go communicate to your doc.

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It should be 3 to 7 days. I have an idea that it is time to go and see an OBGYN which is a doctor that have specialized in womanly problems.

It was so shy when i caught by that girl?

What you describe is typical.
Until you get alittle elder and your system adapts to the trial changes this is imagined to continue for a bit.As your hormone level level out your period will too.

Should this continue for a lenghty time after you should possibly check with your gynecologist. Sometimes women can use birth control pills to help out control this. . . birth control pills have hormones contained by them that help beside regulating your periods.

Overthe ultimate few days, my legs, arms, ankes and stomach have become really swollen.?

I suppose 3-5 days ...
but all women differ
sometimes if you purloin an ibuprofen for the pain
it can thin the blood and trademark your period finishing a little
longer,but I would ask you doctor..
good luck

Is it too furry?

Because you are a teenager, your cycle could fluctuate. It is tremendously irregular when you are young, and as you go and get older, it become more regular. But then as you achieve close to menopause, it becomes irregular again.
When I be younger they would last for 7 days. Now they are permanent for 4 days.
How much are you bleeding? If it is really heavy, engender an appointment with your OB/GYN because 10 days is a long time to own heavy bleeding. They may put you on birth control to give support to regulate it, if it is too heavy.
Remember that every woman's body is different. There really isn't a "normal" timeframe for women.

Please support. I need warning, I am sick of doctors. This is serious.?

when i was a minor I used to get mine for similar to 8 days and now I return with it for like 4 days. The mundane would be like 3-7 but every woman is different. You could try going on birth control pills because that would regulate it.

Breast Enlargement- can anyone bring up to date me their experience and the process and how much it hurts afterwards?

mine last at smallest 6 and usually go to 9

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