Surgery or no surgery?

I hate the bearing my boobs look. I would like them a bit bigger. I'm an A so I surmise a B or C would be good. Should I gain them bigger?

Nutrition for Women after a Hysterectomy?

That's your personal choice and don't let anyone speak about you that you shouldn't have them done. If its what you want, run for it. It will boost your self confidence, etc. Just do a lot of research previously making your decision and also check reputations of any doctors you are interested in performing the surgery.

Which is better for Hair Growth on the manager ---- Diane - 35 OR Yasmine - 28? and Why?

Any surgery is risky. Unless medically necessary- no.

What would happen if a guy swallows a full bottle of estrogen pills every sunshine for 3 full years?

Women's breasts continue growing through their twenties. So unless you're already 28 or so, I would hang around.
There are some phsyical exercises you can do in the miserable time that will build the muscle under your breasts and trademark them appear larger.

I have no boobs and i am surrounded by 10th grade!?

NO NO friend have them made bigger and looks awful...not the size..the size is ok now for her, but the scar!! AWFUL ...she hates herself immediately!
It will take forever until the scar will maybe seize whitish and disappear.

Go and buy a good bra and boost yourself up this means of access.that is channel better! BTW...I am a "c" cup and I wish i be an "A"...

Everytime I go to the bathroom (past 2 days) after I wipe myself I see a obedient amount of blood from where I pee

that is solely a choice that you can make for yourself. hopefully, you would do it for you and not to please or impress someone else. alot of times, depending on your age, you can be in motion to the gym and it will help increase you chest (by lifting weights). Also if you are really emaciated, sometimes just putting on a bit of weightiness, without getting obese i suggest, your bust will increase in size. ultimately, it is your choice to make, but i instinctively think that you should step with what you get and focus on all the positive things you hold to offer. some men do not approaching big boobs .so there.

My time is going on for almost 2 weeks now.?

if explicitly what you want. it is your body! just dont shift overboard, like you said b's would be fitting :)

What are the longterm negative effects of tubiligation.?

i would NOT recommend it. it is harder to find if u enjoy breast cancer, because they're so hard to fell through 4 lumps. also the scar are pretty bad, but its ur personal edict. this is a good place 3 be in motion 4 info and im glad u asked. good luck beside ur decision

Sex headache ?

It's a personal choice.but if you are doing it for the right reasons and not for someone else, consequently go for it. Do tons of research. Breast augmentation today is greatly enhanced and much safer than in olden times. Scars can be minimal if directions from your plastic surgeon are followed correctly and may disappear completely. A good plastic surgeon make all the difference. Find a right "board certified" registered plastic surgeon...research him/her completely. Research several and go to several consultations beforehand deciding. Often times first consults are free.

Go to this website:
You can find out anything you ever needed to know about implant from consults to sizes to pictures to the actual surgery and recovery.. There are also discussion boards and live chat where on earth you can ask anything and get tons of info from experienced women. This site help me alot.
Good luck!

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