What are the longterm gloomy effects of tubiligation.?

My doctor did not inform me of any possible complications or any differences in my periods. The surgeon said i would be fine in a few days. I enjoy never felt duplicate since the tubal. My body went from notion normal to foreboding out of balance. I wonder if near are other women like me. I own 6 brothers and I am the only girl...No sisters to speak to LOL

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I have a tubal ligation 8 yrs ago and my menstrual cycle is still the same. I hold worse cramps because I am off the pill. I hold had no side effects at adjectives from my tubal ligation. As far as feeling "out of balance" I'm not slightly sure what you mean. It may be a hormonal entity. Talk to your doctor, there may be a deeper problem that you are "assuming" is from the tubal ligation. There may be something else, more serious wrong near you.

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there should not be any complications to a tubal ligation. discuss to your surgeon about your concerns.

Question for girls/womenPLEASE HELP ME.?

Check at your clinic for groups or check next to yahoo groups. If not use search.

Go to library as you really can't bring back a good answer because side effects other vary.

Diet, excercises and suppliments can abet reduce side effects of hormanal disparity.

Question about my extent Brown Blood?

i had one 9 years ago and hold had no adverse affects from it at adjectives except i regret it now cuz i want another child and can't have 1

Yeast infection?..or something else?

There shouldn't be any differences in your period. If there are here is another reason for it.

One of the reason you may feel out of symmetry is the emotional and mental realization that you will not attain pregnant in the adjectives. I have have my tubes tied for over 11 years, and I still struggle with the urge to own children, or babies particularly.

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You are not alone!!

I have a tubal done about 5 years ago. I too, be told that everything would be fine, that i had nil to worry nearly. I went penetrating for answers and got more than i ever expected.
Do i regret it, No. I perceive good just about the decision, of late wish i could own opted to hold it all taken out, so i would not be going through this. I would to some extent be going through menopause. You can go to other medical sites also, and get adjectives kinds of information around tubal ligations, and the side effects.
I hope this is some help to you.
Good luck!

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