What blood pressure length qualifies you for dignified blood pressure?

I am a 34 year old womanly, 5'4, 155 lbs. My blood pressure has other been around 110/70. When I go for my gyno check-up last month, my bp be 134/92. I have a pretty stressful lifestyle--I work, progress to college, just get married, have a 15 year dated son. I've gained roughly speaking 20 lbs over the last 3-4 years that I call for to lose; however, I am relatively active & pass my weight powerfully. I had a migraine the hours of daylight I went to the dr so I thought that might enjoy raised it some. (I own had migraines regularly for the later 10 years.) My bp last dark was 145/104, which is the untouchable it has be. I have a doctor's appointment subsequent week to get everything checked out. My grill is this: I know that measurement is illustrious, but how high is it? What number is worryingly high? Will this probably parsimonious I have to pinch meds to control it? My mom's side of the family have lots of high bp & heart disease. My mom died of heart disease at 57 yoa. Thanks for your input!

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for your height and counterweight, 110-125/60-80 is textbook. The bottom number is the one that gets a bit more attention. 145 is a bit on the higher side, but 104, ...it wants to come down. I mean, It isn't stroke large by any means. It only isn't comfortable for your body, for a lack of a better word. You are doing the right entry to see your doctor. While you are there, you may want to as if in attendance is a non-medicinal way to treat yourself, but if he/she say no, then don't push it. One entry though. If you took your pressure on one of those cuffs at the drugstore that go on your forearm...they aren't other that accurate. The most accurate way to pilfer your BP (other then invasive techniques), is the beside a manual cuff, and stethoscope. Take effort. Eat lots of garlic. Try to relax (yeah right).

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135 (the first number) is now classified as high-ranking blood pressure. 90 (the bottom number) is now classified as illustrious blood pressure. Diet and lifestyle changes are the first that you can do to avoid man put of bp meds. I would be worried if mine was over 140 (the first number)

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They say 120/80 is regular, The 145/104 is not good, if it stays that passageway go to ER could be sign of a in anticipation of stroke.


140/90 is considered borderline high. You should also ask for a referral to a neurologist when you are the docs organization to help achieve on some preventative meds to help prevent or lessen the severity of your migraines. I am surprised you own let these stir untreated for 10 years already. They have tons of meds they can try on you to prevent them.

What is a positive factor?

it is deem too high if it is 140 over 100 =you should speak about the Dr

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anything over 130/80 is considered HIGH now.
Being stressed isn't adjectives about it going greater, neither is the weight or a migraine. You own a family history, thats # 1...later you add on the stress, the immensity...(migraines don't add to the BP..)
The sophisticated the /--- this number is worse than having a large ---/ this number...but if they're both high, they're gonna put you on meds..
It's Ok...they only just did it to me..(wwwhhhheeee getting older is fun.. ;X )

Any thinking?

track your blood pressure for 2 weeks and note the results. rob them to the doctor for eval and a full medical exam. you are at a higher risk.

Ok so girls singular?

For the top number, normal is from 100-150, and for the bottom, it's 60-90. Anything a moment or two over or under is okay, kinda resembling a temp of 99.3 or whatever. You are right to travel to the doctor and get it checked out, especially near your hectic life and own flesh and blood history. Good going girl!

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Your pressure is for a moment high but don't listen to the alarmists. First, up to 140/90 is considered conventional. Until recently, i.e.. Now the pharmaceutical industry is trying to convince us that 130/80 is the limit. They did impossible to tell apart thing next to weight standards and the number of "fat" general public doubled instantly.
First, you need to capture an accurate average. You could have "white coat syndrome" which vehicle your pressure goes up surrounded by the doctor's office. Many doctors very soon prefer that you get a personal monitor and pocket your own pressure in the comfort of your home. Take several reading over several days. Always take them when you are rested. Then clutch the average. That will give you an accurate impression of your bp.
If it's still high (above 140/90) near could be many reason for it and you may or may not need medication.
Medication creates dependency so, if you're otherwise able-bodied, I would avoid it unless your high bp continues and does not respond to unconscious methods.
I'm not saying to close the eyes to it. That can be dangerous. But if you win control of it now next to natural methods you can avoid a lifetime of expensive pills and side effects.
If you think your hypertension might be due to stress I recommend something call Breatheasy. This is a slow breathing method combined with relaxing music. It's so relaxing you will lower your blood pressure in 15 minutes. The reduction will become lasting after a few weeks.
You can grasp free instructions and an online demo at the website in the source box below.

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