Sudden on a daily basis nausea?

i am a 36 yr old feminine. for the past 2 weeks, i own felt exceptionally nauseous upon wakening. i perceive so bad i really hold to force myself to get primed for and go to work. usually by time i procure to work i feel a bit better. i also get jittery, beside my hands self kinda shakey, about one our until that time lunch time.
i don't have medical insurance and live week to week resembling alot of people.
both these things hold started happening at one and the same time but don't know if they are related. what could it be? and no, i'm not pregnant.
thanks for your time

Answers:    I am one and the same way. I go to the doctor and got my blood tested and found out I be hypoglycemic. So now whenever you surface nauseated and dizzy, as hard as it is, guzzle something. Even something as little as a slice a cheese or a cracker, it makes such a difference surrounded by less after five minutes. Ignoring the signs have cause me to pass out, so dont permit these 'episodes' continue.
you better receive a preg. test
if you are vomiting you might be preg.
HCG is the hormone that cause nausea
and vomiting when preg.
so good luck.
If you are sure you are not pregnant, later maybe you hold low blood-sugar upon awakening. Try having a feathery snack before you be in motion to bed and make sure you don't skip Breakfast. If it keep up try to find an affordable place to see a Dr. Good luck. dude, i am the same course. Except for getting shakey towards lunch time, I get HELLA dizzy... I almost wobble a short time. And I'm NOT sexually active so within is no way I could be pregnant any. if you find out, let me know. sorry... i know i'm supposed to 'answer' but since i don't hold an answer, i just thought i'd tolerate your know that you're not alone. Actually I was asking around and those told me that it sounds like I could be diabetic, atleast borderline. Anyway, if you know someone that is to say diabetic have them stab your finger and trial your blood with their domestic device thingy *as long as they don't mind wasting one or two of their needles*. It's cheaper than going to the doc and diabetics know just as much as the doc could let somebody know you. have them stab ya when you achieve to work, or where ever you progress to meet this entity and see what your blood sugar level is.. later try it again after you eat. consequently later surrounded by the day. the diabetic party would be able to convey you if it was regular or not. You've got to know a diabetic individual, just ask around! it's a really crappy agreement that it's so common and for adjectives the diabetics reading this, i'm sure you'd be able to bequeath a better answer than me! i pray they find a cure/better ways to treat diabetes!

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