Hi within i have have an implanon rodput into my left arm around a week ago.At what stage does it kick contained by?

Like how long does it take since its properly kicked in and i can hold sex again.my doc sed two weeks but i wanna know if thats correct

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Hi, just want to share my experience beside Implanon. I had one inserted in 2005 and removed after 9 months because I suffered from severe hormonal inconsistency ( must be the unlucky few). I didn't have any menstruation the intact nine months and not even two months after removing it. Then I had extremely uncharacteristic period that come in clots, so much so that I have to be admitted. Just be alert to any change in your body and menstrual cycle.

Iam edgy about have to go to the bathroom on the bus?

I have implanon put in going on for a month ago. My doctor told me it is effective in a few hours. The information that comes with the pharmaceutical information say its best to wait a week previously sexual intercourse though.

To be on the safe side, I wait a week.

And for the record, I hold not had any side effects excluding some mood swings and a few hot flashes. No bleeding at all, any.

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