Is there anyone here who can relate me it`s just ok to smoke once a afternoon while taking diane 35?

i have this funny phsychological effect of cigar whenever i have need of to loose bowel.i just cant build it success even after spending time sitting in a toilet bowl not until i puff a stick.

I hold been geeting pains reflective in my arm pits sometimes shooting across thru my chest any thinking?

Smoking once a day while on the pill is STILL smoking.

Stop, unless you want a heart attack or stroke.

Anyone beside an IUD? Question?

here is the deal. I am a smoker and it does appear that going to #2 is easier after a smoke. The reason this is I estimate is that when smokign you are excercising you diaphram and lungs and are generally taking deeper breaths afterwards normal breating . . .

I don't guess 1 cig a day should lead to too many problems but you involve to keep smoking to an absoulte minimum as smoking can front to other major problems

My girlfriend?

i smoke 20 sticks a year, even when i'm on diane 35. is there a threat? uh-oh....

my doc know i'm a smoker, she didn't stop me from smoking...

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