How long should you hold eggwhite cervical mucus?

I am beginning to reckon I have a unbelievably short window for ovulation. I hold it for part of a hours of daylight and then not again. Can you enjoy eggwhite cervical mucus for longer than a day?

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By observe your vaginal secretions, you'll know if you are ovulating. You should spot that there's a varying pattern from vaginal dryness to sticky discharge to slippery discharge. The slippery discharge may concluding 1-2 days. The accompaniment of swollen vulva will indicate that you are in the peak of your ovulation (i.e., an egg have been realease from one of your ovaries and is organized for fertilization). After the peak hours of daylight, your vaginal discharge will become sticky or dry.

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most women ovulate one day out of their cycle.

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