(Females Only) Is it possible to hold your period two times within one month?
Yes, it is possible to own two periods contained by one month although it isn't normal. You are suppose to enjoy a period around every 28-31 days. Although you are have periods stern to back it seem like, you are really not suppose to. If this creates a problem, or doesn't smooth out soon, I suggest you go to see a doctor who could serve you get regular and stay regular. Having two period a month isn't good on your body, and could explanation health problems such as you person anemic. Maybe everything will even out for you. Good Luck.
yes it is severely possible if you r young and enjoy a short period
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yes its narmalPerfect CurvesPlease Help?!?!?
Yep, very possible. Periods hold a mind of their own sometimes. If it bothers you being outstandingly irregular talk to your doctor give or take a few possible birth control pills to make things for a time more predictable.It's happened to me. Don't verbs about it... mine returned to the usual one a month after.
well yes it is--hormonal change can cause breakthrough bleeding
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Yes,especially if your spell ended during the first week of the month and consequently it will recur again before the month ends.What test should A women get at age 25?
It is possible. Especially for childish ladies whose period time can be irregular. It's not something peculiar. When you grow older, the time of year will become more and more regular.- Wats the best family planning method(minus condoms) for a 21yr old. Do pills mek pipo fat?
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