Wats the best home planning method(minus condoms) for a 21yr old. Do pills mek pipo grease?

wat wud be the best family planning method for a 21yr older. Most pipo say pills but they enjoy lots of afta effects.dont they?

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Benefit - Method(s)
Decreased menstrual backache and bleeding - Birth control pills, Depo Provera
Reduced risk of ovarian and uterine cancer - Birth control pills, Depo Provera
Reduces acne - Birth control pills
Delays premature ejaculation - Male condoms
Prevention of ovarian cysts - Birth control pills
Increased milk supply for breast feeding women - Depo Provera
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV - Male and feminine condoms, abstinence

Pills side effect include : brown spot in your frontage, fat, cancer, ectopic pregnancy (mini pills). Pregnancy if you forget you pills.

21 ? Condom. Avoid STD.

Ladys answer merely?

Use Nuvaring. Its a ring you insert leave for three weeks later take it out. Its birth control minus having to transport a pill everyday. There's also an IUD. You doctor inserts it through a procedure, and it stays put for 5 years.
At 21 u should still use condoms b/c none of these protect againest STD's.

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I was on the pill for close to 20 years, be on at least 12 different types for different reason, only near 2 or 3 did I gain any weight and it be no more than 5 lbs.you should use condoms with the pills if you are not 100% sure your boyfriend is totaly monomagmus also the depo shots I did not gain any bulk with

Stupid question for women?

Your best bet would be to talk to your doctor to see what would be the best for you. I am assuming that you are married or in a monogamous relationship to not be concerned near condoms. Right?

My daughter who is 11 is having stomach pains every morning?

Best birth control is to hold an aspirin between your knees!


u didnt mention ,for what sex masculine or female.both hold slightly different methods.

Has anyone had breast augmentation and did stretch results develop or did you have a impossible experience?

depo is really good, but it kinda have some side affects. I didnt gain any weight, but i do find kinda depressed around that time of month

Stopped birth control and have have a period 3 times surrounded by the last 2 months, is this conventional?

people tell me that the pills dont build people rotund but i've seen relatives b4 and after they take it. they do gain counterweight!

Can you please help me near my daughters health problem?

Great ask and great answers.

The greatest thing to prevent during intercourse, is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases!

So any contraceptive method you choose desires to include condoms espcailly if you are not in a monogamous realtionship.

The neuvo ring is a nice option for birth control. It have few side effects, easy to insert and have a great success rate.

There are birth control patch but they must be put on in places where on earth there is hefty, and tend to come off near swimming and showering. They are supose to stay on for 7 days. The side effects are less than taking oral contraceptive pills.

Depro provera is a accurate method of birth control, but it has a high-ranking risk for bone loss. Yes your bones wll become weaker if you use this method over a long period of time. Research have shown that women who use this method for an extended period of time can enjoy up to 15% of bone loss which they cannot recover not event what kind of bone mineralization pills they pocket.

The IUD is a good method of birth control. It is a copper/coated 'T' shaped protest, very diaphanous, that the doctor inserts into your uterus and can stay there for several years. I used mine for 3 year period and had them taken out when I looked-for to get pregnant. The largest side effect can be heavier periods. But otherwise most report not ever knowing they have one it. BUT you must use condoms ot prevet STDs for all the methods.

Birth control pills are hugely convinient if you remember to take them EVERY daylight. But they have lots serious side effects and should be discussed with your doctor. A physical and blood test should be taken before starting on the pill. Also a nearest and dearest history of of blood clots should be noted. TWO things you must NOT do while on the BCP is smoke and do other durgs. The combinations could be fatal. Yea, I do not close to this option, but you hold to consider all the option.

MEN you are responsible to use condoms at all time no concern that the girl says she is protected. You do not know that she does not enjoy a STD.do you want to share that too?

Be safe near your sexual practices.. and enjoy.

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