How long the deapth of a girl vegina?


Frequent Peeing?

the average vagina is only 3 to 4 inches deep.
of late as the vagina has the capacity to expand, allowing for the lane of a baby during childbirth, the vagina also has the wherewithal to elongate during intercourse to accommodate a penis. As you mentioned, for some women, the depth from the vaginal opening to the tip of the cervix is 3 to 4 inches when they are not sexually aroused. Other women may have a vaginal depth of five to seven inches. Regardless, during arousal, blood flows to the genital nouns, and sexual excitement causes the upper two-thirds of the vagina to lengthen by forcing the cervix and uterus to ascend. The vagina also lubricates to relieve ease penetration.
Some empire think that the vaginal canal is a continuously unfold space. However, this is a mis perception. Think of the vaginal canal as if it were a balloon specifically not filled with any nouns. The walls, which have the potential to expand and elongate, gently touch one another.

What could it be?

it is in the order of 4 inches long but it can shrink or expand during intercourse to accommodate guys penis. It is an amazing muscle!! So you shouldn't be woried that your dick is too long or too short

I got this from wikipedia

According to some sex researchers and therapists, several misconceptions hold developed surrounding penile-vaginal intercourse.[35] Many men exaggerate the importance of deep vaginal access in stimulating a woman to orgasm.

The most sensitive area of the womanly genitals includes the vulva, clitoris, and the section of vagina closest to the outside of a woman's body, which is roughly 10 centimeters (4 in) in length. Research have found that portions of the clitoris extend into the vulva and vagina [36]. Given that the median penis size is above this length, the majority of penises are of sufficient length to satisfy their partners.

While masses women find penile stimulation of the cervix to be uncomfortable or painful, others report it to be the knob to orgasm.[37] The cervix may be confused with the anterior or posterior fornix, the deepest point of the vagina, above and below the cervix, respectively.[38] The cervix and fornix are within close proximity of respectively other, making it possible for there to be indirect and/or simultaneous stimulation between them[39].

The fornix is said to be another possible orgasm trigger area.[40] Tests own shown that pressure on this area causes the vagina to lubricate tremendously quickly.[41] The area of sexual response within the anterior fornix has also been call the epicentre, T-Spot, AFE-Zone, AFE or A-Spot; while in the posterior fornix it has be called epicenter (as well) or cul-de-sac (since the cul-de-sac, also known as the rectouterine pouch, may be indirectly stimulated by pressure on the posterior fornix [39]).

During arousal, the vagina lengthen rapidly to an average of about 4 contained by.(8.5 cm), but can continue to lengthen contained by response to pressure.[42] As the woman becomes fully aroused, the vagina tents (last ^2/ expands in length and width) while the cervix retracts,[43]. The walls of the vagina are composed of soft springy folds of mucous membrane skin which stretch or contract (with support from pelvic muscles) to the size of the penis.[44] This means (with proper arousal) the vagina stretches/contracts to accommodate virtually any size penis, from small to large.[45]

Periods as you carry elder?

depends on what compassionate of vegina it is... carrot, snow pea, endive...

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The vaginal canal is about 9 cm long and solely the outer one third of it has sensations. The inner six cm have almost no sensation at adjectives.

I'm have a impressively curious issue next to my vagina right very soon that I'd close to some suggestion on..?

You don't worry about it. It is experienced of swallowing any size of Wedding Tools during the actual process.

Anything i can do?



I don't know but I've seen women take someone's fist adjectives the way up to their wrist on the Internet.

I woke up next to a UTI, give support to!?

20 feet down

Is this a spell?

3- 4 inches

Is it usual for a almost 15 yr. older girl to...?

Google it.

Question something like person "tight" or "loose" - short grill?

you could of looked this up on googe.

Period Help.CRAMPS!?

up to 5 inches open if she gets aroused

Is it possible to own a length after getting pregnant?

google search...

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