Can pap smear determine if a woman is pregnant, have an STD, tumors and other sickness?


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The actual pap smear can show a few things: 1) abnormal cell from your cervix that are either pre-cancerous or cancerous 2) inflammation that might suggest an infection, 3) OCCASIONALLY can show exceptional cells from the endometrium, but this is lone if the cells are shed from above and procure down into the cervix. This is NOT a screening test for endometrial cancer, and 4) can OCCASIONALLY show organisms that could be cause an infection, specifically yeast, trichomonas (a little parasite that is sexually transmitted), and a spot on type of bacteria that grounds bacterial vaginosis (not sexually transmitted).

A pap won't test for chlamydia/gonorrhea, or other STDs, and the pap itself isn't tested for HPV. Certain pap test have plenty material that some of it can be sent to the laboratory for carrying out tests for STDs, including HPV. But this is not automatic and your doctor has to request it.

Pregnancy test are a different issue -- the pregnancy hormone is present in urine and blood, but doesn't show up in your pap smear.

SO, if you enjoy a negative pap, this doesn't parsimonious you are not pregnant, doesn't mean you don't enjoy endometrial or any other cancers, and doesn't tight-fisted you don't have an STD. What it DOES report to you is that cervical cancer cells weren't see, so you should continue to be screen at regular intervals. Hope this helps!

Embarrasing ask!?

it determines if you have diseases as economically as cancer cells
it does not tell if you are pregnant merely an internal does that

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no, it can only detect out of the ordinary (possibly cancerous or pre-cancerous) cells on the cervix, as a mode to diagnose the possiblity of cervical or uterine that are separate tests for STDs, including the exotic HPV testing, and separate pregnancy conducting tests

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pap smears individual test for unexpected cell growth. so yes they could detect a tumor but you have to narrate your doctor to do an STD test also otherwise the regular pap won't show it. it doesn't show pregnancy any...because its only conducting tests the cells and to detect pregnancy impulsive on you have to assessment hormone levels.

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The Pap interview can tell if you own an infection, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cell, or cervical cancer. A pregnancy test is used to find out if you are pregnant, different from a pap smear.

It is high-status to get a pap smear every year!

Ok..this is liberal of a personal question..but can you acquire vaginal strep b from your partner if they have strep?

When you obtain a pap smear they can test the smear for multiple things. I know they primarily use it for an HPV interview. I don't think that these cell would reveal any pregnancy hormones. I have also never hear of them testing this for std's. They usually do a blood interview for those.

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