Embarrasing give somebody the third degree!?

plz take seriously i hold a lump above my anus and i dont have a clue what it is plz serve! its sort of like a boil but im not sure what is it?

Why do we travel through puberty?

u ppl r fool creating stories on topic which u would normally dunno SHUTUP U FOOLS ANSWERING THIS QUESTION


could be a hemorrhoid.

My interval came on 3 times this month!?

1. Boil
2. Piles
Does it hurt or bleed? It may necessitate surgical intervention so u must consult a doc.

Period question?

I suggest for you to progress the doctor

Does taking birth control/ being pregnant cloud your mind?

Sounds close to you have an external hemorroid, some populace call them a pile.

It is roughly a swallon and inflamed blood vessel, which will be very prickly when placed under pressure and when you dance to the toliet.

Go see a dr and ask for some cream for it.

Girls help! i want to shave my private nouns but how? i try and it makes bumps and doesnt take it all?

Don't be embarassed going on for it - you really should see your doctor.

NuvaRing question..?

Are you sure it's not a hemorroid, a zit, or perchance even a boil? To find out if it's a zit or boil, put a HOTT water bottle on it. You can also pack up a pop bottle and if that bring it to a head, later it's just a zit or a boil. Go to your pharmacy and ask for "Black Save". That's probably your best bet subsequent to the hot water bottle treatment.

Teen girls and period, what are you taught surrounded by school and at home?

It could be a hemorrhoid
It could be an abscess anal gland---that is a gland where on earth fecal matter get into it and most of the time when you have a BM it will pointless. but the there is times where on earth it will clog and need to be cleaned. characteristics of like a pimple.

How long did it pinch you to get you rperiod put a bet on?

It could be a hemmroid, or an STD, or even from shaving (if you shave back there). No one on here know for sure, just stir to the doc and get it over beside.

Why does this happen adjectives the time?

Possibly a hemarroid--call your Dr. and have it checked out--that's why they breed the big bucks!! plus you want to make sure!!

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