A query for the girls!!?

I don't know if anyone else has this problem. On my nipples (or to some extent I should say the red nouns around the nipple) I get hair growing. Some small and fine (thus barely noticable) and some long and relatively thick (almost resembling pubic hair). I currently pluck them to get rid of them but does anyone know why some girls catch these? Is there a process of getting rid of them without plucking?


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I'm not a girl but I am a professional in the field of human sexuality. Hairs on the areola are massively normal. I would suggest plucking as your best bet if you are committed to removing them because other mane removal methods like powders and creams could defile the sensitive tissues.

Ok ladies i need some counsel ?

its common
plucking is the best way to remove them

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I started getting them when I was going on for 25 and all I do is pluck them. I simply keep an eye out for any current ones in the shower and catch rid of them. Sorry, but they will start to appear in a few other places as okay as you get elder, it's a bummer but I am looking into laser removal to see if that will work.

Pregnancy or Stomach Virus?

it is normal you will enjoy to keep plucking

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I read somewere that its really common and i construe its got something to do beside having to much testosterone.
But dont verbs to much its natural.

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girl its totally everyday , believe me , i just pluck ,, although it's kinda niggle full its better than waxing ,, you can also use a coat minimizing lotion that will help the concreteness.. good luck..:)

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go to the Dr's as this could be hormone in-balance and they could grant you some thing for this

Need support please..?

This is pretty normal ....i also achieve it ..i just shave them every Saturday when I'm contained by the shower and the don't come back till the extension of Friday.....so try and see if it works for you.

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It's adjectives enough and zilch to worry in the order of. You are right to pluck them and they are totally normal.

I have a brown discharge come out of my nippleany reasons why?

Yup they're adjectives and all surrounded by the genes I'm afraid, I don't think at hand's any other way apart from plucking or even wax because the area is terrifically sensitive so wouldn't risk it

Is it possible to go from a size 18 to a size 10/12 by September 1st?

You might want to try laser curls removal. Laser hair removal specialists claim that laser spine removal will permanently remove spike. You might also want to try using hair inhibitors. Hair inhibitors usually come in small spray bottles. They are supposed to dissolve respectively hair at its root. They are supposed to for always remove hair.

Skipping my periodincorrectly? ..on Ortho Trycycline.?

If you are getting more fuzzy other places such as upper lip etc you should go to your doctors for a blood experiment as it could be a hormone imbalance or polycystic ovaries

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