How long is the MENOPAUSE supposed to concluding ? My wife sat down 5 years ago and she have not got up however?


I was just this minute prescribed Effexor but I can afford it?

Ha ha ha ha. Thats one poor husband right there. Who on soil has be cooking your dinner all this time?

How can my mom gain her hemmeriods to stop bleeding?

How long have you be married? I'm guessing 5 years. Seriouly though...Maybe she should see a doctor!

Any women out there prepared to detail a vaginal exam, other wondered what happens? gratitude?

I have a slight thought it is not the menopause. Perhaps you are not quite so tactile

I receive really horrible cramps?

The process of menopause can go on for relatively a few years. Menopause is only achieve when the woman has be without a time of year for 1 continuous year. Even after that, many symptoms remain for years to come.


What Is this white gooey gooey stuff that came out after i wipe down there?

Very suitable Men O Pause !
a very knowledgeable woman would pause indefinitely if men are taking power of them so look up and get a vivacity and include you wife in some pleasurable activities, such as exotic holidays I am sure she would later move from the chair. If she doesn't give the name a doctor she may be dead.

How to fluently delay your time of year and FAST!?


Just wondering have any of you eva be fine one min and the next merely tears welled up within your eyes?

Thats a pretty good description, Im surrounded by 3rd year and its not going away. sounds like your wife may obligation anti deppressants they dont fix it but do make it easier to take on, Your wife has my sympathy its similar to having a brick topple on your head and nought you can do about it everything purely gone to pot. At least you nouns like you hold a sense of humour. That will help her if you can afford her support.

Will i get my first spell?

Please read this in full (hide adjectives delicate objects first) I merely about knock a wall down.

Likewise read the whole of this .. (1996 revised 2002) (it clicks through to 24.htm)

scrabble on the web for "pure progesterone menopause"

Contact a doctor from they are aware of the benefits of natural progesterone

In going through the menopause your wife have likely become stressed

Stress --> oestrogen dominance --> "ailments" such as depression etc .. the full roll is at

As a preliminary do the tests at or On have done the on line test please arrange a saliva test or to determine the hormone level and treat accordingly. Blood test do NOT reflect the go together of the active hormones.

It it most credible that natural progesterone will be recommended this will cure the depression. In a few months your wife may commence shake off her oestrogen dominance and hold her health restored to typical.

If you obtain accounts (sources) you will gain many insights to how beneficial progesterone and a proper diet is. The tragedy is that the book be written in 1996 and culture such as you and your wife are not aware of it.

Take care of her she deserves it resembling all women

Birth Control Question ?

NOT even funny you hold the right name Know adjectives thats true NOT

Bigger Breast?

Menopause is a stage in energy when a woman stops having her monthly length.It is a normal bit of aging, marking the ruin of a woman's reproductive years. More information and remedies at

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