For some fun, be there anything significant around the day you first get your period share next to us your story?

im 22 now, and mine would own to been christmas year 1996.. i was 11, my mum be drunk and being merry and i have no idea what to do.. looking pay for now and adjectives i can say is thumbs up for mother personality, you gotta admit she have a sence of humor

Girls only?

Mine be in 1975 when I be ten. I told my mother and she refused to believe me until I showed her my underpants, because she couldn't believe somebody my age could grasp it.

Then I had to sit around next to one of my baby brother's Pampers surrounded by my pants until my stepdad get home so my mother could go to the store because adjectives we had contained by the house was Tampax.

The cool part of the pack was that my sister be 14 and didn't have hers even so, so I was competent to totally diss her for the next seven months. "Sis, let somebody know Ma I need more Kotex... too doomed to failure YOU don't need any, HUH?"

Menstruation.. oblige!?

i got my time when i was 14, almost exactly a month up to that time i was to turn 15. my first extent lasted 12 weeks.

Help please please noteworthy girls only!!?

my friend be in egypt for a vac.. she be eating surrounded by Pizza Hut where she get her period,, she be wearing her new white pant and feeling so confident and adjectives people be staring at her, she didnt know why every one acted so dumb! when she got home, at hand was a family connections gathering, and still every one be staring at her,, till some1 she didn know in that gathering, an infirm woman, told her go and correct ur pants..,.

another story,, one of my friends have her period while she be playing Tae knodo, and all the clubs be watching her white uniform turning reddddd!

How do I make my length come before I progress on vacation?

Do you niggardly when I was surrounded by seventh grade at college in a pink skirt next to a red huge spot on the back, fear sick, scared to procure up, but finally did, and noticed the red stain on my bench.

I am 55 years old immediately, but remember it as if it was yesterday, one of my most shameful momentss!!

I'm 13 and I had my first term 9 weeks ago. What happened? Why is in that no more now?

I get my period when I be ten before the sex childhood in class and in the past mom had gotten around to unfolding me anything about that. I saw the blood and thought I be dying. Mom was within the hospital at the time so Dad was the lucky one to explain things to me. He substandard to mention that it would occur every month nearby after so when it was done I told him and added "Thank God specifically over with." He didn't enjoy the heart to tell me that I would enjoy to suffer through it again and left it for Mom to relate me when she came home two days then.

Could it be possible for me to postpone my periods for a few i hold to out of town. please help?

You know something a hoot? I will always remember the time I got my first time not because of that, but because a perv flashed me at the Sears store in San Mateo, California.

My grandpa be visiting us, and he and my mom made me be in motion to Sears with them (I don't remember what we be getting, but I think it must enjoy been something for my grandpa because we be in the men's department). I be 11 and my mom parked me on the chairs outside the men's dressing room. I remember this guy came out of the dressing room to check himself in the big 3-way mirror. He be wearing those cheesy nylon shorts that were popular support in 1979, and as he be standing in the mirror, he saw me looking at him, and he adjusted himself and pulled his shorts up practically to his armpits, after turned around and showed me his bits. What he didn't know was that I be already a veteran of many, heaps "playing doctor" sessions with boys my age (you know how deeply of gay people read out they knew at a pretty youthful age that they were different? Well, I know pretty early that I be interested in the opposite sex), and I have just only just let a youthful gentleman at arts school touch my chest in exchange for him letting me see his willy on the ending day of conservatory. I was completely unimpressed near Mr. Pervert. It didn't phase me one bit.

Later, I had to move about to the restroom, and I realized I have started. I came out and whispered to my mom that my spell had started, and we cut our shopping session short so she could purloin me home and give me the girly stuff she have been abiding on the top shelf of her closet ever since my doctor had told her I have started puberty. That part be pretty unspectacular. I didn't even get bragging rights because arts school had consent to out the week before. I have to wait to brag nearly it until school started again in the dive, and by that time we had moved to the other side of the world and I didn't know anyone very well enough to brag to them. Lucky for me, I be the first of my girlfriends in high-ranking school to enjoy to take birth control pills--I finally get to brag about something!

Will I hold on to on growing?

I got mine on the Fourth of July at my grandma's house, 3 days after my 13th birthday. What a CELEBRATION...
Well, atleast my Mom thought so ("Oh congratulations!") If I'd specified what I was getting into, I would've laugh.
I was also doing bop camp at the time. How convenient.

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