Stretch Marks?
I have a strange strech mark on my upper thigh and it hurts contained by the surrounding area. Anyone else ever own this problem? Is it normal?
Getting rid of stretch marks is a bit a difficult task. The most decisive way to pedal this problem is to follow a proper care routine that prevents their incidence. Massaging on the stretch marks serves as an excellent home remedy for stretch results removal. You can either use olive grease, flaxseed oil, vitamin E grease or cod liver oil for the purpose of pat. Check out for more useful info.
I do but I use cream for it and it take a year to go away my sister have had it she told mee
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its not normalyes i try not wear tight clothes , and mine usually itch to
but pamers coccoa butter and vitamin e oil serve get rid of them
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When I be pregnant with my son, I swore I could quality my skin tearing within my lower belly area where on earth the stretch marks concluded up. It was not so much as sore as really itchy.Use some cocoa butter heaps times a day and that should provide some nouns.
Take good assistance!
see a doctor if its painful, thats not run of the mill
If your breast are tender because you are still developing, how long is this going to take?
Toward the 5th month of my pregnancy I started to bring back stretch marks, adjectives they did was itch. I would see my doctor because ive never hear of the hurting. I would put some lotion on it beside vitamin E in it (Palmers coco butter). Stretch mark will not budge away but you can put lotion on it to tone the color down.I have be tanning to and the stretch marks own been weakening.