Could it be possible for me to postpone my period for a few i have to out of town. please give support to?

i will be going to goa and i am worried that i might get my period at that time cause its feasible to fall on those date. i am worried that all my fun of playing in beach will be spoilt. please help me.. is it possible for me to postpone my period for a few days...

Should you have sex during pregnacy?

You can postpone your period if you are taking the contraceptive pill. Simply keep taking the pills and you can postpone your extent for a few days, a few weeks or a month. Anything longer than a month probably isn't recommended!

My period come on two times in a month can i be pregnant?

get pregnant

Do pregrant woman similar to when ppl touch their stomach?

take ibuprophen or eat fresh pineapple a together fruit/day

Stitches After Baby delivery!?

Yes you can but you own to be on the pill. If you are taking the pill, you just run through two pack without a break and you won't hold a period.
speak to your doctor first.

Why would i hold a sharp pain within my arm?

Check with your gyn. I deem there's something they can do but i don't remember exactly what it is...a shot or something?

What do you deduce about the contraceptive patch?

not lacking pills or something from a doctor

All about first pierods?

just don't stop takin the pill, no spoil no foul/

Why do I always touch?

no you can not post pone your period. but you can try to revise to use tampons.

Pap smear?.?

Sorry, Honey- it will come when it comes.

How good is triphasic combined oc birth control?

are you on the birth control pill? if yes later continue taking it for a few more days..... if, dont know that there is anything you can do....

What do you consider of when you hear "The Cavewoman Diet"?

Buy a big bottle of wine and place the cork in such a way that it stops any leak. Take it out when you get rear home but be warned you may want to put on a go jacket before removing the cork!

What are the likelihood my girlfriend is pregnant?

You're kidding right? Of course not, when your menstrual cycle decide to show up, it shows up with a reckoning, nothing you can do give or take a few it expect make sure you hold plenty of feminine products on hand.

Period stories?

if you are on the pill you can postpone your spell (as i have done this b4)----you may still draw from some break through bleeding but it usually lasts merely a day or 2

if for some sense this doesn't work---but it definitely should afterwards just wear tampons so you can enjoy a fun time on the beach contained by the sun---LUCKY U!

What do i eat to attain bigger boobs?

if your on birth control pills then you could skip the different colored pills that you purloin during your period and start a fresh pack this will hitch your period within some cases . . not all . .when you return from your trip pinch pills from the old pack and you should start your spell. ..

Do you have to be a Tampon at the pool or water park.?

i reallied when i don't put away a lot i dont catch my period. but explicitly also unhealthy, if you dont want your spell go on birth control and later they only second 3 days, other wise you enjoy to let mother temper occur.

How commonly should you shave your legs and underarms?

Yes you can!!!
Go to your doc explain the situation and he/she will give you a prescription for norethisterone tablets. Take these 3 days back your period is due and you will not get hold of your period whilst taking them. When you stop taking the tablets your spell will resume.
Have a good trip!



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