I enjoy bleeding outside my menstrual cycle..?

from time to time, i bleed a about a spoonful or two of blood between menstrual cycles. i am not sexually influential, have never be, and am 20 years old. it have happened give or take a few four times since august last year(when this started). any guidance as to what could be wrong? if there's anything wrong.

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there is one process to clear your doubts, go for an abdominal-pelvic ultrasound. it is non invasive investigation of knowing exactly what is wrong. what you are getting is intermenstrual bleeding whose cause can be from nothing to pretty serious. its advisable to desire medical advice to rule out any problems.

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This is call "break through" bleeding and most likely is nought serious. It probably occurs midway during your cycle. Unless the bleeding become more frequently, causes extreme aching or is heavier I wouldn't worry. It is cause by a shift in hormone level.

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It could be that your periods are irregular or nearby may be an infection going on. Breakthrough bleeding (as the previous poster mentioned) or spotting can be signs of irregular periods or infection. (I've have experience with both of these) The merely way to find out for sure is to enjoy this evaluated by your dr.

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