This is a serious joke for answers, okay?

What could be causing my nipples to itch? It's driving me crazy. I thought it might be the stuff my bra was made of, but it doesn't seem to be to make a difference what textile it is (I've tried several). Any ideas?

This is gentle of embarrasing to talk in the region of, but I need help(girls only)?

i would read out maybe they are in recent times dry,mine get dry from the tanning bed sometimes if i disregard to moisturize.i would exfoliate in the shower near a body buff,and use a good grease or lotion twice a day. you hold irritation,like blush or bumps,or just the itching?because if in that are other symptoms,might wanna check with the dr or dermo. also-changes contained by detergent,soap,fabrics ect could exact this.
good luck........

Helpthyroid problems any doctors or ppl next to thyroid?

If you're young, they could still be developing. Also, tender breasts are a sign of PMS.

Am i a Fat teen?

If you are sure it isn't the bra look at the soaps you are using. The nipples are extraordinarily sensitive and could be over dry from soap. Try using a good lotion and see if that help.

Why am i always damp down there ?

Percectly typical its the same as a bloke, men gash there ball women scratch here boobs, but obviouslyy we do it in a much more discreet and ladylike attitude, however if its all the time consequently it may be pms

What is a quick and risk-free way to lose 4 pound surrounded by two days?

You can try Vitamine E oil or Olive grease.

What is wrong with my body!?

If you own itching in other part of your body later it is because of your soap or because of your hygiene. If it is occurring only on your nipples, i construe it is because of some fungal infection. Better you consult a Doctor.

Pregnancy and using?

You may be allergic to:

fabric of bra

shower gel

laundry detergent

Should I budge to the docter?

sometimes a girl will not produce a normal secretion from her nipples, the simply way you can remedy this is to enjoy a guy suck on them for at least 20 minutes a morning, you need to hold this done for at least 2 weeks

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