Can you still bleed if...?

Ok in women can they still have majority regular periods if they don't hold any overies or uterus or both?

Can they still bleed if they can't produce eggs?

Can they still bleed if they are sterile?

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I would say no. I enjoy had a complete hysterectomy and I don't bleed.

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Yes, women can still bleed if they don't hold ovaries. The bleeding comes from the shedding of the uterine lining, it doesn't enjoy anything to do with producing eggs. I hold heard that women that hold hysterectomies can still have some spotting, but not bleeding.

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If you don't have a uterus you can't bleed due to the certainty that is where on earth the blood comes from.
If you don't have ovaries within is a high luck that you will go into menopause and not own anymore periods due to the certainty that ovaries are the ones that regulate the hormones that cause you to take your period.
You can still bleed if you can't produce eggs. Bleeding is a result of the sheding of the uterus inside layer if an egg is not implanted during fertilization.
You may still bleed if you are sterile but it depends on if the sterility affects the uterus or ovaries.

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If you don't own ovaries, you don't produce eggs. If you don't produce eggs, you don't have a time of year. If you don't have a term, no bleeding. You still have period even if you are sterile. Being sterile means your ovaries do not produce eggs, kaput, they still release the hormones though. Not the eggs though. Women who have have a complete hysterectomy do not have ovaries, tubes, uterus, consequently, no periods.

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yes you can because my mom tubes are tied and she still gets it

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