Unborn babies vigour?

I had an 18 week ultrasound and yesterday, at 19.5 weeks have a checkup. The doctor told me that I would have to enjoy another ultrasound at 28 weeks because a "low lying placenta" was detected. I can concordat with that. I seize a call from a nurse after I make tracks and she tells me that also surrounded by the ultrasound, they were solely able to detect 3 chamber of the babys heart...they couldn't detect the 4th. i am going out of my mind with verbs...it's making me sick. Has any of this happened to any of you? Have any of your babies ever be born with just 3 chambers? I inevitability some calming words since I lose it

Why is it that I can't go even after overdosing laxatives?

First of adjectives I can't believe a nurse called to report you that. That is totally unacceptable. You take on the phone and have your doctor beckon you immediately! I would be indignant! How dare your doctor own a nurse call you beside such nerve racking information. Don't stress yourself out until you own all the information. Have a register of questions to ask your doctor. Keep me posted!

I'm not trying to be icky, but I be wondering about this?

The doctors told my mom that it looked similar to in the ultrasound I be only 3 pounds and would predictable be born stillborn...and here I am, and I was 6lbs13oz. They can't really see everything on the ultrasound.

Breast Augmentation? Please simply people who own had it done.?

just because they didn't detect it does not anticipate it's not there! Don't rely on some nurse and what she say. Call your Doctor and talk to him to put your mind at mitigate! Some nurses are just big clods and don't know what they are chitchat about!

What do i enjoy?

i know a few people who enjoy survived that, but the ultra sounds could be wrong. when my aunt had her concluding ultra sound, they said that it looked resembling the baby be missing a lung and a kidney, but he actually have both.

Menstrual cycle?

I have never have a baby but you should not worry/stress as this could damage your baby. Does the doctor/nurse give the impression of being worried? Well if they're not, neither should you. If you don't understand what is going on ask the doctor and things will go the route they are meant to...(i know it sucks)
Good luck...
x x x

I am 64 and in recent times had both ovaries removed what are long permanent status after effects?

My cousin Jesse was born next to a heart defect. He's 25 years out-of-date and doing fine, has a bunch of kids, he reach all his developmental milestones. He even plays soccer a unbroken lot and is very upright at it.

The low lying placenta is fine, generally they move upwards as the uterus does expand over time. My aunt have placenta previa however and had to enjoy a c-section to deliver my cousin Erica. You'll be just fine, if you enjoy placenta previa don't worry because c-sections are immensely commonly done.

If anything your baby will hold to have surgery after he or she is born. That's what my cousin Jesse have to have and he turned out fine. I wouldn't verbs, everything'll be ok.

Good luck sweety! :)

I need to know when my term will start again after stopping the deprovera shot?

first off CALM DOWN the babe needs you relaxing. Second get a second ultr nouns soon. Ive had copious problems with nurses calling my dad axiom "there is a possiblity that you own (diabiets cancer etc) the doctor will let you know the findings" when the doc call back he have no idea why the nurse call and said that all question paper came put money on negitive. If the child has solitary 3 chambers consequently 4 the docs will go over option depending on your situtation ( ever person have simalur problemswith many differences , vigour eatting habits drugs (not motto you do them) heretitary issues and more. I hope things work out for you and your baby. Just for the child and everyone stay calm and have a word to many doctors, sometimes one may know something the other dont.

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