How do you know if you are alleregic to condoms?


I am having an IUD placed. They said I hold to have it done on my spell. Why.?

You'll get a unwary from the latex. A good track to test it is to rub a condom on your wrist and see if you break out. People who are allergic to latex tend to be allergic everywhere. You can also buy latex-free condoms from full-size stores, though these tend to be more expensive. Also, see if it's the lubricant on the condoms that might be causing the impulsive (try washing a condom and next rubbing it on your wrist).

If you're getting a yeast infection or a bladder infection from having sex, later you might need to be in motion talk to a doctor. Odds are, it's not the condoms, but something else that's triggering them. You'll enjoy to get a physical exam for that.

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Easy....put a condom on a horse, bang the horse, if you die your allergic.
-good luck

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Im allergic, my symptoms wer redness and an itchy irritating burn. I be completly allergic to latex.

Ask your dctor.

For the girlies?

itching burning a rash things likie that......simply kidding

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Condoms are made of a species of latex and i'm very allregic to them..when i put one on i grasp a rash that turns red and especially itchy..i have to catch real sheep skin codoms and they are highly expensive..the best thing to do is embezzle a condom and not put it on your penis but stretch it over your hand and if you obtain a reaction afterwards you are probably allergic..that's what my doctor had me check..

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Your Penis basically won't stop sneezing. OK, I'm sorry...just couldn't resist that. Do check next to an allergist, they can test to see if some focused element of said condom {the latex, the lubricant, ..other} is bothering you. Hope you are emotion OK.

My little story!!!??

If you are allergic to condoms(latex) you will also be allergic to the gloves at your Dr office and your dentist. So if you own ever had a counterattack in those type of settings them more afterwards likely you will be allergic to condoms.

Ive be taking ortho-cept for 10 days and i already had unprotected sex what are the posibility of getting pr

If you conjecture you are allergic to latex condoms, try using non-latex ones for a while. Lambskins are not as effective against STDs, but polyurethanes are.

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they fell resembling ur dry and burns down there

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