If the wife is A+ blood Type and the husband is A- blood type, is that good if she conceive, both newborn + mama?


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The babe-in-arms could be either A+ve A-ve, O+ve or O-ve depending on the genotypes of the parents however the mother will not own to have any extra injections as she is Rhesus +ve and any feto-maternal bleeds (they can evolve silently and noone ever knows) will not cause any problems as far as anibodies dance for the mother. They won't cause the toddler any problems either regardless of its rhesus status due to its rural immune system. The blood group only ever matter for rhesus -ve women because they have to enjoy anti-D injections to mop up any baby cell that get into their blood supply, and even later it wont affect the first baby with the sole purpose subsequent ones.

Would i ?

No problem. She should be under medical protection if pregnant anyway.

Another question ladys! ?

my mum is neg and my dad is pos. They hold to give antibodies or something resembling that to the mother but it's entirely possible for them to have a kid.

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No problem next to conception. Possible (but not necessarily) problems with pre-eclampsia, hypertension during pregnancy.

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It's solely a problem if the MOTHER is Rh neg, which isn't the case here.

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Here's how this works. The Rh factor is a fetal protein. Rh+ medium that the subject's blood carries the protein; Rh- method it does not. The Rh factor is conveyed by an autologous dominant gene, which means that if a individual has even one copy of the Rh gene, they will be positive for the Rh factor.
The risk comes in when a woman is Rh unenthusiastic and the father is Rh positive. If daddy has two copies of the Rh gene, later the baby is guaranteed to be Rh positive; if daddy have only one copy of the gene, here is a 50% chance the kid will be Rh positive.
The FIRST Rh positive baby is not at risk. But during conferral, it's inevitable that some fetal blood will get into mommy, and mommy's immune system will read the Rh protein and prepare to reject the invading protein. But the first tot will not be at risk. If the doctors are aware of the Rh incompatibility, they can administer medication that stops the immune system from potentiating against the Rh protein.
The SECOND Rh+ baby is within deep trouble unless the treatment be given. The mother's immune system "protects" the baby by attacking the cell that carry the "hostile" Rh protein. The result is a condition knwn as erythroblastosis fetalis, "red blood cell breakdown in fetuses."

An Rh positive woman next to an Rh negative husband have no risk of Rh incompatibility disease in her babies.

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This will be fine for mum and baby
If it was the other road round (mum A- and dad A+) that would be when mum had to hold an injection after the birth

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