Not really a question. Having gallbladder out thur and enjoy suspected breast abscess!?

Just feeling a bit sorry for myself really. Meant to be going to hospital on wed to attain my gallbladder out on thur. Now I think I enjoy an infection in my boob! It's red, lumpy and very sore! I have this problem about 2 years ago and done up in the hospital 3 times to find it drained! Wondered if anyone thinks they might newly sort it out while I'm under anaesthetic getting my impudence bladder out, or if they'll postpone my op? Can't see a doctor til tomorrow. Maybe someone else has have a similar thing while waiting for an op! Anyway, suppose I shouldn't moan, plenty of associates worse off than me. Another couple of weeks and I should be notion better! PMT will be gone too, makes things worse. Boo hoo poor me!

Periods Have to do beside my breasts (girls only please lend a hand!)?

I don't know if I'm worse off than you... I currently own a breast abscess myself, in my not here boob. Two months ago, I had one surrounded by my right boob. I was contained by hospital for nearly 4 days til they drained it with no anesthetic whatsoever (hurt resembling HELL!!)

I'm 14 and a half and I've never have sex, been pregnant, or breastfed. I go to the ER to get it checked out on Thursday, the doc prescribed antibiotics and said if it get no better by Saturday (which is tomorrow), to come back and I'd own to be hospitalised.

I've taken the warm baths she told me to to steal, and the antibiotics... and yet it's roughly 3 inches in diameter, swollen, red... you know the drill. And it's all because the of "the pill". I be taking it for pimples, and period cramp. and I only only just found out the dosage is now too strong for my body - though it wasn't when I was prescribed around 8 months ago - and is causing these breast abscess.

But most - not all, appreciably - of the time, breast abscesses are because of breastfeeding. Do you breast feed? Or it could be because of the pill. Are you on birth control?

Blah.. anyway, right luck with your op on Thursday. If you believe you have a breast abscess (from what you described it DOES nouns like one, though it could be something else), find to your doctor. Don't just give up it until you go to hosp subsequent week for the doctors there to sort out. see if you can procure it treated from tomorrow with antibiotics.

If it's not too serious the antibiotics should be clearing it up and that means of access your gall bladder op can jump without a hitch. It should single take more or less 10 days for the abscess to heal if it's not too serious. Trouble is the damn things develop so with alacrity..!!

Good luck!

Weird 3rd period after have baby?

I would manifestly let the dr to be exact doing your surgery know what is going on as well as your primary safekeeping physician if you have one so that they can better assess the situation.

I choice you well near your surgery pls continue to purloin it easy even a couple weeks after surgery and even 6 to 12 weeks after surgery so that your body can own time to heal. And when you surface good satisfactory to try and do something please be careful how much you do because it could set your rescue back some.

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