After an intense weekend workout, I've gain weight...similar to 8 whole pounds! What happen?!?


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This is entirely fluid retention. Any weight shift within 1-2 weeks more than 2 lbs is guaranteed to be fluid shifts. You cannot gain or lose muscle or cooking oil at more than this rate.

After your intense workout, your muscles have demanded extra blood flow. With extra blood flow, more fluid have been seep out of your blood vessels into the space between your muscle fibers, cause them to swell. This is why your muscles seem bulkier after a workout--no, you didn't only grow muscles, they have in recent times gotten a better blood supply.

It usually takes a couple of days of rest for the swelling to turn down, so if you work out that intensely more than 2-3 times a week, you will sustain this weight gain, so rob it into account within your weight logs. Relax, though, because you will appear to lose just about 6-7 lbs if you rest for more than a couple of days.

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you made muscle, and muscle weighs more than cooking oil.

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It didn't simply happen over the weekend. Muscle is heavier than podgy & it sounds like you are presently converting that fat to muscle. Keep up the fitting work but don't overdo it!!

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You probably did not eat satisfactory calories to compensate for the workout, therefore your body is compensating for you. You should check out Weight Watchers, they hold a formula to follow when you are working out, to make sure this doesn't come to pass again.

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The with the sole purpose way you can gain 8 lb in a weekend is hose down weight.

Were you dried out before? Are you not drinking ample water? You truly will retain more water contained by your body if you drink less - your body data there's a drought so it hordes the sea.

Also, your monthly cycle can trigger water retention at some points in time.

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make sure to drink plenty of water (believe it or not, this will relieve avoid water retention) and bring a good darkness's rest. try weighing yourself after doing that and see if you are still eight pounds heavier

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